Saturday, May 9, 2020

Needs of Diverse Students - 1384 Words

Educating Special Needs Students Identifying and providing for special needs children is essential to special education. Once a child has been diagnosis with a disability or multiple disabilities, a plan of care is initiated according to the severity of their condition and their needs. This plan is individualized; one child’s diagnosis is not a reflection of the wide range conditions that affect many children. Intellectual disabilities can be mild to profound, can be caused by different factors and can have a different impact on a student’s education and adult life. (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2013). Professionals have found many causes for disabilities from genetic to medical. Whatever the cause of these disabilities educators must†¦show more content†¦Autism is labeled among the most complicated, complex disability. Autism is defined as â€Å"a pervasive developmental disorder with onset prior to age 3, characterized by qualitatively impaired social interactive and social communicative ski lls along with restricted and repetitive repertoire of behavior, interests, and activities.† (Hardman, Drew, Egan, 2013). No particular cause has been linked to autism, however it has been established that abnormalities in brain structure and function is a general explanation. (Autism Society, n.d). Autism is a developmental disability that effects how a person thinks, learns and understands the world. This will pose a large impact on the education of students. Characteristics of autism differ in all children and can impact students differently. Some can have difficulties in communication, social interaction, repetitive behavior, restricted interest, sensory processing, and learning styles. (Autism Society, n.d). Any encounter multiple children with autism you will soon realize that their needs and their difficulties can differ. Understanding how their individual characteristics impact their everyday life brings forth a successful path to their educational future. As many school districts are implementing inclusion, some students with autism may be included the general education environment, while using other services to meet theirShow MoreRelatedLearning Disabilities And Diverse Students With Special Needs819 Words   |  4 Pagesarticle, Strategies for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students with Special Needs, the author describes the assessment and instructional issues related to culturally and linguistically diverse students with special needs. The article goes into detail to discuss the current trends, prevalence rates, and general guidelines for appropriate assessments when working with English language learners who are also diagnosed with special needs. 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