Saturday, January 25, 2020

School Leadership

School Leadership From educational research journals, to find three research articles, which are related to each other in their research questions, for example They studied the same research area or even same concept in education, such as â€Å"students’ discipline problems in school†, or â€Å"self-esteem of students†. They proposed the same or similar research question(s), such as â€Å"the relationship between self-esteem and achievement of the students† and â€Å"the relationship between self-esteem and family support†. It is better (not compulsory) to find the studies were conducted by using different research methods (Note: Please do NOT include article(s) by using the method of â€Å"meta analysis†. For kind of article it will be very difficult to answer the questions below. However, it will be a good idea from this kind of article to find several original research articles.) You are required to provide where did you find the articles and how did you find them. Provide the sources of them. (2%) Articles about educational leadership are common in graduate school library. You can select the best researches with relevant findings to help you understand the subject matter. On this behalf three of the most innovative and latest issues on educational leadership are the selected. These are the following; Study about program for School Leadership Improvement, it was retrieve at online library archive of Educational studies in United States done to improve the leadership in US schools ( School Leadership Study: Developing Successful Principals was a research study conducted to develop leaders to manage educational institution conducted at several institutions in United States. This research study employed the necessary elements of research in order to develop and improve the leadership characteristics of principals in a educational settings and institutions. This research was published at Education Magazine in Instructional Leadership for Systemic Change in 2005. The third research study was Conceptualizing principal leadership of school renewal conducted by students from Curtin University of Technology in 2003; this research was retrieve through Educational Leadership Gazette 2004 online submitted to annual conference for the Australian Association for Research in Education in Melbourne. These researches are performed to elevate the standards of leadership especially in secondary and tertiary levels. There is common ground in all of these researches; this is based on the foundation of effective leadership and governance in any educational institutions. Providing relevant data and new found knowledge, method of teaching, leadership and techniques are highly stated in the objectives of each research studies. Briefly describe the studies reported by each of the articles How was each of these studies conducted? What type of research method(s) were used in these studies? What results have been reported in these articles? After read your description, the reader should be able to know studies roughly (6%). Program for School Leadership Improvement The program engages in continuing self-assessment and improvement of its performance. Throughout this report, terms such as â€Å"model,† â€Å"strong,† and â€Å"inadequate† programs and variations thereof are used. This study employed case study method. A model or exemplary program is one that substantially meets all nine criteria. A strong program is one that substantially satisfies most of the criteria. An inadequate program is defined as one that fails to achieve most of the criteria or has a fatal flaw such as an incompetent faculty. The findings of this study were very disappointing. Collectively, educational administration programs are the weakest of all the programs at the nation’s education schools. This is distressing not only because of the magnitude of the jobs that principals and superintendents must perform, but also because of the large number of school leaders who will need to be hired in the next decade. In the course of the study, we managed to locate only a small umber of strong programs in the United States. None was considered exemplary. The most promising model that we found was located in England at the National College for School Leadership (NCSL), which operates in a very different fashion than school leadership programs in the United States. The development of the nation’s school leadership and management programs, offer a profile of the numbers and types of leadership programs in universities today, describe the growing number of non-university-based school leadership programs, examine the most promising model of school leadersh ip education encountered, and offer recommendations about how to strengthen university educational administration programs â€Å"School Leadership Study: Developing Successful Principals† Principals play a vital and multifaceted role in setting the direction for schools that are positive and productive workplaces for teachers and vibrant learning environments for children, but existing knowledge on the best ways to develop these effective leaders is insufficient. The need to identify and replicate effective pre- and in-service programs and program structures that produce the most highly qualified school leaders has motivated a major research study commissioned by The Wallace Foundation and undertaken by the Stanford Educational Leadership Institute in conjunction with The Finance Project. This study — â€Å"School Leadership Study: Developing Successful Principals† — conducts a series of in-depth case analyses of eight highly developed pre- and in-service program models in five states, and tracks the graduates into the schools they lead. The study not only examines the conduct of the programs and the perceptions of Participants, but it also interviews and surveys graduates — along with a comparison sample of principals — about their preparedness and practices. The study also follows a sub-sample of program participants into their schools, examining school operations, teachers’ views of the school leadership, and trends in student performance. Cost analysis of case studies is conducted by The Finance Project, a Washington, DC- based, nonprofit research organization. The Finance Project also explores the state policy and finance structures that foster effective programs. Research on principal preparation and development programs suggests that certain program features are essential in the development of effective school leaders. There is also little discrepancy between guidelines for pre- and in-service programs. Evidence indicates that effective programs are research-based, have curricular coherence, provide experience in authentic contexts, use cohort groupings and mentors, and are structured to enable collaborative activity between the program and area schools. Despite existing consensus, empirical evidence for the impact of these features is currently minimal. Conceptualizing principal leadership of school renewal This paper reports the findings of an investigation into school renewal and leadership that was conducted in 2003. School renewal is a type of whole-school change that engages and excites the school community to promote, accept and embed the change leading to improved student learning. In respect to the research objectives presented data were collected through interviews with a purposive sample of principals in situ and identified through the quantitative phase of the study (Silcox, Cavanagh and Dellar, 2003). The design of the interview schedule was based upon the preliminary conceptual framework presented in the research output and was developed taking cognizance of the findings of quantitative data. The paper concentrates on the study of leadership of school renewal with specific reference to some of the key influences in implementing a renewal agenda in schools. It provides an invaluable and reflective insight into renewal and change processes in schools. This research study , based on a mixed methodology research format conducted in Western Australia, shows the critical role the principal plays in bringing about school-renewal. The paper concludes by presenting a conceptual framework of principal leadership and school renewal for consideration. In so doing it both challenges and confirms literature and research in the area of leadership and school change. The research has important implications for all school communities. Make comments on each of the articles (20%) Is the research problem clearly stated? Be specific. Is the significance of the problem established? Be specific. Identify the hypothesis (if there is any). Is the hypothesis clearly stated? Be specific. How could you identify the type of research method used in each study? Explain your answer. How were the variables measured in the study? Are the measurements reliable and valid? How were the participants in these studies selected? What type of sampling method was used? Explain your answer. Make comments on the research design of each of these studies. List the strength and weakness of each study, provide possible improvements. What type of data analysis was used in each study report? Specify the details. Do you think the data analysis conducted correctly and effectively? Any suggestions for improvement? Is the study ethically sound? Is the report written well? Explain your answer. Program for School Leadership Improvement The study’s problem was clearly stated in the research report. The research work try to explain the and identify what kind of program to be implemented in order to achieved the improvement in school’s leadership and administration. There is no stated hypothesis in the study because the purpose of the study is not probing certain speculations but to develop new concepts of leadership through program implementation. The significance of the study was concentrated on the educational institutions and other learning community. The result of this study according to the desired result of researchers is focused on achieving the possible highest standard of leadership in education. The study employ case study, this method typically examine the interplay of all variables in order to provide as complete an understanding of an event or situation as possible. This type of comprehensive method understand the arrived phenomenon at through a process known as thick description, which involves an in-depth description of the entity being evaluated, the events and circumstances under which it is used, the characteristics and identity of the people involved in it, and the nature of the community in which it is located. Thick description in this study also involves interpreting the meaning of all demographic and descriptive data collected such as cultural norms and mores, community values, ingrained attitudes, and motives. Unlike quantitative methods of research, this study chooses participants or respondents through selection process because the target population is only the supervisory level which is limited in number. Like the survey, which focus on the questions of who, how much, and how many, what, where and archival analysis, which often situates the participant in some form of historical context, this method which is case studies are the preferred strategy when how or why questions are asked. Likewise, they are the preferred method when the researcher has little control over the events, and when there is a contemporary focus within a real life context. In addition, unlike more specifically directed experiments, case studies require a problem that seeks a holistic understanding of the event or situation in question using inductive logicreasoning from specific to more general terms. Data analysis performed through application of certain methods drawn from the in formations and data gathered. School Leadership Study: Developing Successful Principals The study’s problem was also stated in the research report. The research study try to develop and improved the leadership skills of principals in educational settings, the study will lead and aim the improvement in school’s leadership and administration through developing of effective and successful principals. There is stated hypothesis in the study; the purpose of the study is to develop skills and supervisory method and leadership techniques in leading schools through empowerment of principals. The significance of the study was also concentrated on the educational institutions and other learning community specially principals. The result of this study according to the desired result of researchers is focused on achieving the possible highest standard of leadership character and skills in education. Recognizing that some of the variables in this study do not have problems as such. The educational organization may be doing quite well. Leadership in educational setting are real-world situations, it not necessarily examples of bad leadership or management. The situations in this study are approaching with a point of view. I can say that the researchers may be alert for the danger that some of the data and information in some circumstances is coming from biased participants and therefore must be taken with a grain of salt. Recommendations in this study must be logically follow from the analysis and they should be feasible. Finally, the study report must be well-written, clearly organized, and sequential and has a logical flow. Poor writing will affect the reader’s apprehension. It usually helps to provide a brief summary statement and â€Å"roadmap† at the beginning of the analysis to orient and guide the reader. Also make sure that making any recommendations to be provided follows directly from the analysis of the problem, and that your overall conclusions are consistent with your analysis. Those are the strengths and weaknesses of this study. 3. Conceptualizing principal leadership of school renewal The study’s problem was clearly stated in the research study. The research work try to explain the and conceptualize what kind of leadership styles to be adapted by school principal in order to achieved the improvement in school’s leadership and administration. Renewal is also one of the subjects in this research, transformation of technique and method will probably lead to more advancing and productive leadership. There is no stated hypothesis in the study because the purpose of the study is not probing certain speculations but to develop new concepts of leadership through adaptation of new leadership concepts and program implementation. The significance of the study was concentrated on the educational institutions and other learning community. The result of this study according to the desired result of researchers is focused on achieving the possible highest standard of leadership in education. The research study is related to the investigation of the relationship between the leadership behavior of school principals and school renewal, and, in particular, tried to investigate and explain the type of leadership behaviors showed or displayed by these principals engaged in school renewal activities. Practical aspects of the study necessitated the use of a mixed method paradigm. As the study sought to examine attributes of school leadership and their influence on school renewal in a local education district data, therefore, needed to be collected from a sample of principals sufficiently large to be representative of the general population. In the first instance, this required application of quantitative data collection methods. On the other hand, investigating the influence of leadership on renewal was anticipated to require careful attention to the context of the individual school and of the interaction between the leader and other members of the school community. This necessitated qualitative data collection methods in a small number of schools to provide highly detailed and contextualized information. Thus, both quantitative and qualitative research methods were originally applied in a mixed-method investigation format. The two methods were invoked sequentially at different points in the study, hence maximizing the strengths of both methods. In respect to the research objectives presented data were collected through interviews with a purposive sample of principals in situ and identified through the quantitative phase of the study (Silcox, Cavanagh and Dellar, 2003). The design of the interview schedule was based upon the preliminary conceptual framework presented as Figure 1, and was developed taking cognisance of the findings of quantitative data (Silcox, 2003). A set of survey questions was developed and adapted within parameters of study area established by the research objectives. The qualitative phase of the research sought to obtain information from a particular cohort of principals on their perception of a specific concept, school renewal, and specific leadership behavioral characteristics employed in bringing about renewal as a change paradigm in schools. Therefore, it was appropriate to use an interview survey technique. There is no indicative of major weakness in this study; all data and analysis are drawn properly. There are justifications in the elements present in every variable. Summary: In general all these studies presents the concrete narrative information and details of actual, or at least realistic events, it has a plot, exposition, characters, and sometimes even dialogue Generally, these three educational leadership study reports are extensively descriptive and narrative in presenting their data and analysis, with the issues concerned are being the determinant of the right combination of identity, description and analysis.. Typically, all the authors of different studies addressed each step of the research methodology and process, and they attempted to give the reader as much enough data and in context as possible for the decisions and analysis they made in the research studies and for the conclusions being drawn from the study. This contextualization was included a detailed presentation and explanation of the theoretical positions of all the researchers, how those data and theories drove the inquiry or led to the guiding conceptualization of research questions, of the processes of data collection, of the participants backgrounds, of the training and limitations of the coders, with a firm or strong attempt to make all connections between the information and data and the conclusions was clearly evident. Although the educational leadership researches study is completed, it does not reports which include the reactions of all the respondents to the research study or to the conclusions of the researchers. Because theses studies tend to be more exploratory, most ends will be with implications for further study. Here in this study, researchers identified the significant factors or variables that come up or emerged during the research process and suggested studies related to these, the authors also suggested further general questions that their research study generated. The second study concludes with a section dedicated solely to the topic of implications for further study and research, in which they suggested several means by which this particular study could have been improved, as well as questions and ideas raised by this study which other researchers and leadership institutions might like to address, such as: is there a correlation between a certain personality in leadership styles and a certain composing process of population’s profile. Also included in these studies is a section dedicated to implications for teaching, because the topic is about leadership in educational institutions which outlines the pedagogical ramifications of the studys findings for teachers and managers who are currently involved in school programs. The sample is defined as the representative of the population, but in this study selection bias is a possible. A statistic used in the third study have the possibility of being biased if the value of the statistic tends to be wrong or more precisely, if the expected valuethe average value from many samples drawn using the same sampling methodis not the same as the population value. A typical source of bias in population studies is socioeconomic or age status: people with extreme values for these variables tend not to take part in these studies Thus a high compliance (the proportion of people contacted who end up as subjects) is important in avoiding bias. Journal editors of the publications where these researches published happy with compliance rates of at least 70% in the study done. In these researches the most important variable the researchers have to balance is the implementation of pre-test ion the dependent variable itself. The researchers balanced randomization for this study or another by numeric factors. When selecting subjects and designing protocols for studies, researchers often strive to eliminate all variation in subject characteristics and behaviors. Their aim is to get greater precision in the estimate of the effect of the specific protocols. The problem with this approach is that the effect generalizes only to subjects with the same narrow range of characteristics and behaviors as in the sample. Depending on the nature of the study, the researchers may have to strike a balance between precision and applicability. If they lean towards applicability, their subjects will vary substantially on some characteristic or behavior that you should measure and include in your analysis. Compare and the contrast the research methods used in the three studies (12%) From methodology point of view, what are the similarities and what are the differences of these studies Which study do you think was conducted better? Why? Which study you dislike? Why? These three researches have different characteristics in terms of methodological designs. But all of them used the proper and best methodological designs and draw important conclusion and outcome that benefited and improve the educational leadership. In the study about Program for School Leadership Improvement, a case study was utilized and was discussed within the context of qualitative research and naturalistic inquiry. This study was done with some method with field study, ethnography, and participant observation to draw conclusions properly. The philosophical assumptions underlined in this research are similar to these types of qualitative research design because each takes place in a natural setting such as a classroom, and other educational institutions .The study also arrives for a more relevant and holistic interpretation of the specific event or situation being observed in the study under study. This kind of research design is different from statistically-based research stud ies which search for quantifiable data. The main objective of this study is to find and give new variables and questions for future studies. The second study was entitled School Leadership Study: Developing Successful Principals. The researchers used case analysis method in conducting the study. A major characteristic of conducting this kind of research is that you never have all the access for the information that you need and oftentimes considerable data and information which is nor important, irrelevant, obscure, trivial or even obfuscating. The lack or absence of important information may force the researchers to make one or more assumptions. Assumptions drawn u from this research is clearly labeled, they are appropriate and they realistic. The last research study entitled â€Å"Conceptualizing principal leadership of school renewal† used quantitative research design. This research profile a target specific population by determining the proportion of the population’s has certain attitudes , behaviors, behavioral, intentions, skills and knowledge related to the leadership concern, and whether specific determinants predict effectiveness at a statistically significant level. The researchers used a structured type of questionnaire that contains predominantly closed-ended, or forced-choice, questions. The research design and research conduct in the research quantitative survey implemented by this study consider getting information and data from a survey result. The major concerns need to consider issues and circumstances is mostly related to designed appropriate sample, this stuffy used reliable and valid measures, and conducted a pilot or pretest before the actual survey study was launched. This study is a custom type designed to seek specific knowledge or answers from a specific set of research questionnaire. This study is also somewhat omnibus in nature because it added questions about the topic with regards to an existing survey. The findings were generalized beyond the participant group which is the supervisory level in educational institutions. At the conclusion of each research analysis, the researchers offer recommendations for change or application of knowledge drawn from the study. These recommendations are also for situation to be handled better like interventions, programs and behavioral modifications. Some of theses recommendations have both positive prospects and negative consequences when applied to certain cases. A solution may eventually work for certain cases but be very costly, some changes are difficult to achieve or implement and take a long time and effort to have a significant impact in any area of target. Researchers must develop the recommendations that impact is for maximum positive products and minimum negative consequences. Any other comments or points related to these research reports. These educational leadership research study must advocates and point out that research can produce much contain and more detailed data and information that is readily available Many analysis can also use as an alternative to discover the relationships between variables, some of these can be obtain through a statistical analysis. Research advocates on educational reform will also implement different kind of methods suitable for the study while statistical methods might also be used and be able to deal with situations where attitude and behavior is homogeneous and routine. Methodological designs are also needed to deal with creativity, change, innovation, and overall context that they can apply to improve the study more. Many research detractors argue that some educational studies are difficult to generalize or apply to all concepts because of inherent subjectivity and because most of the research is based on qualitative subjective data and the generalizability are applied only to a particular context. Suggestions: In doing researches overcoming many challenges including the accessibility and brevity of the study is necessary for any educational or social institutions doing the research study. I have the following suggestions to make the impact of this study and research stronger. First, the presentation of your research must be as user-friendly as possible provided with a clearly marked sections, marks and sidebars with some of the additional and supplementary information. Second, defining the important terminologies and provide some examples for every items made. Third is the anticipation of questions from the researchers must answer them in the publication. Fourth is illustrating your findings through the use of graphs or charts. Fifth is you have to break all the information into short sentences, paragraphs or lists. Using of different colors, lines, images and sizes of fonts are good to improve the interests of reader to browse the researches. Adding references and footnotes with further information for readers is also vital. And lastly you have to mention who prepared the research, and audience or for whom it was prepared, and contact information for each author. This is necessary for the readers to clarify or to verify some information and data indicate d in the research paper. Research papers and other studies must have the connection between theory and empirical data -empirical data is the evidence we obtain from the social world. Makes the connection between theory and empirical data. This empirical data is the evidence we obtain from the social world. By starting with a theory and then testing it with data, this is also referred to as deductive research. By developing a connection between social theory and data the researchers must first collect data and then develop a theory supported by the findings or inductive research. For the researcher to come up with a good research, they must manage bias by testing ideas without becoming too personally invested in a particular outcome unlike what they did in certain methodology in these researches. Being systematic in carrying out investigations is also important to have good research. Documentation of all procedures and making it available to public and other researchers are also limits the bias. Clarifying of underlying assumption that the research is based on and all the underlying assumptions in the research in must be clarified as well as the definitions of terms used in the research which is not applied in these researches. Another way to manage bias is by testing the ideas without becoming too personally invested in a particular outcome. The researchers must be systematic in carrying out investigations Maintaining a skeptical stance toward current knowledge can also be a factor to produce good research work. This improves upon the validity of their results. Critiquing current research by addressing the problems in the research can generate additional research. Ethical issues must also address in any research studies, honesty and openness is vital in conducting research. Researchers need to be honest about their procedures in order for other researchers to be able to duplicate the research. Duplication of the research lends validity to results. Additionally, openness is needed in order for researcher to learn from the work of others. The lack of openness sometimes happens because researchers want credit for their discoveries. Good research should also be ethical and should cause no harm to subjects or respondents. All subjects should be voluntary participation; subjects must give informed consent. Researchers should fully disclose their identity. Unless voluntarily waived, anonymity or confidentiality must be maintained for all individuals participating in research. Benefits of the research must outweigh foreseeable risks. Good research also conceptualizes terms conceptualization is defined as the process of specifying what we mean by a term. In deductive research, conceptualization helps to translate portions of an abstract theory into testable hypotheses involving specific variables. In inductive research, conceptualization is an important part of the process used to make sense of related observations. And lastly, good research devise operations that measure the concepts under investigation. Length of the assignment: 3000 words. REFERENCES: Jackson, B. L., Kelley, C. (2002). Exceptional and innovative programs in educational leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 38(2), 192-212. Jaquiss, N. (1999, November 10). A Matter of Principals. Willamette Week. Retrieved from Knapp, M. S., Copland M. A., Talbert, J. E. (2003, February). Leading for learning: Reflec- tive tools for school and district leaders (research report). Seattle, WA: Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy. Kolb, D. A., Boyatzis

Friday, January 17, 2020

Ovarian Cancer Research Paper Essay

Introduction Ovarian cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among women. It is considered to be one of the most common types of cancer of the female reproductive system. According to McGuire and Markman (2003), â€Å"despite advances in treatment over the last 40 years, ovarian cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed gynaecological malignancy, and causes more deaths than any other cancer of the reproductive system† (p. 4). Despite the fact that ovarian cancer occurs less frequently than uterine cancer, it is more aggressive and can occur at any age. In addition, it does not manifest itself in the first stages, and in most cases are diagnosed only in the later ones. All the malignant ovarian tumors are subdivided into epithelial, germ or stromal cell types (cancer). These cancers have the highest incidence among all other tumors. (Jordan, S., Green, A., & Webb, P. 2006 p.109-116). Signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer â€Å"Ovarian cancer has often been called the â€Å"silent killer† because symptoms are not thought to develop until advanced stages when chance of cure is poor† (Goff, Mandel, Melancon, & Muntz, 2004, p. 2705). That is why the symptoms of ovarian cancer are not specific and can be disguised as other more common diseases, such as diseases of the digestive system or urinary system. The reason for the lack of clearly defined symptoms is that ovarian cancer develops in the abdominal cavity and does not cause discomfort for the patient. The main sign of the presence of most disease is a constant presence of symptoms or their worsening. For example, ovarian cancer symptoms are distinguished by their immutability of the manifestations: they progress gradually. (Goff, B. A., Mandel, L. S., Melancon, C. H., Muntz, H. G., 2004 p. 2705-2712). The main symptoms of ovarian cancer may include the following: 1. Feeling of overeating, swelling or bloating; 2. Urgent need to urinate; 3. Pain or discomfort in the pelvic area. 4. Constant indigestion or nausea; 5. Sudden, unexplained changes of stools, which include diarrhea or constipation; 6. Frequent urination; 7. Appetite loss; 8. Rapid weight loss or rapid weight gain; 9. Increased waist circumference, which can be seen by the fact that the clothing suddenly became small; 10. Pain during intercourse; 11. Permanent weakness; 12. Pain in the lumbar area, abdominal pain. The growing tumor extends through the fallopian tubes, causing the lower abdominal pain on the affected side. The large tumors can compress the large intestine that is manifested in bloating or constipation. (Goff, B. A., Mandel, L. S., Melancon, C. H., Muntz, H. G., 2004, p. 2705-2712). In addition, ovarian cancer is characterized by metastases at the â€Å"gate† of the liver that leads to the development of ascites – an accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity due to the compression of the hepatic portal vein. (Goff, B. A., Mandel, L. S., Melancon, C. H., Muntz, H. G., 2004, p. 2705-2712). The later stages (3 and 4) of ovarian cancer are characterized by more severe symptoms, such as intoxication and anemia. The doctors usually can diagnose ovarian cancer for three months after the first symptoms. However, sometimes it is necessary to wait for six months or even more in order to put the final diagnosis. (Goff, B. A., M andel, L. S., Melancon, C. H., Muntz, H. G., 2004, p. 2705-2712). Causes of ovarian cancer Currently, the etiological factors of malignant ovarian tumors are not significantly determined. However, some researches have advanced several hypotheses about the etiology of epithelial ovarian tumors (Modugno et al., 2003, p. 439- 446). The first one being that ovarian cancer usually occurs when a tumor develops in one or both of a woman’s ovaries. (Modugno et al., 2003, p. 439- 446). Another hypothesis is based on the concept of â€Å"incessant ovulation† (early menarche, late menopause, a small number of pregnancies, the shortening of lactation). Remember, the constant ovulations cause serious damage to epithelial inclusions in the ovarian cortex. The following hypothesis shows that ovarian cancer, most often, is caused by the glandular epithelial cells, which produce hormones. Therefore, a violation of hormonal regulation leads to the changes of malignant epithelial cells. Ovarian cancer often develops in the presence of chronic inflammation, benign tumors or ovarian cysts. (Jordan, S., Green, A., & Webb, P., 2006, p. 109-116). Risk factors It is difficult enough to determine the risk factors for ovarian cancer. However, it is believed that the healthy women, who have relatives diagnosed with breast cancer, ovarian cancer or uterine cancer, are at risk of those diseases. Supporting this point of view, Cannistra (2004) states that â€Å"a strong family history of ovarian or breast cancer is the most important risk factor† for women. Too often ovarian cancer develops after menopause. However, the risk is increased only after 60 years. In turn, Cannistra (2004) supports this information and adds that â€Å"the median age of patients with ovarian cancer is 60 years, and the average lifetime risk for women is about 1 in 70†. (p. 2519-2522) Despite the fact that most ovarian cancers are diagnosed in postmenopausal women, the disease can also occur in women who are in the premenopausal period. Women, who have been pregnant at least once, are less likely to have ovarian cancer. The use of birth control pills also reduces this probability. (Kuper, H., Cramer, D. W., & Titus-Ernstoff, L., 2002., p. 455-463). The appearance of cysts is a normal process that occurs during ovulation in women who are premenopausal. However, cysts formed in the postmenopausal period have a great chance to cause cancer. Women are at increased risk if they are having trouble conceiving. Environment factors also affect the incidence of ovarian cancer. (Kuper, H., Cramer, D. W., & Titus-Ernstoff, L., 2002., p. 455-463). Ovarian cancer can be primary, secondary and metastatic. The malignant tumors, which primarily affect the ovary, are known as primary cancer. Secondary ovarian cancer (cystadenocarcinoma) occurs due to the benign or borderline tumors. Metastatic ovarian cancer (Krukenberg tumor) is a spreading of the primary tumor, which is often located in the gastro-intestinal tract, stomach, breast, thyroid or uterus. (Rossing, M. A., Tang, M. C., Flagg, E. W., Weiss, L. K., Wicklund, K. G., & Weiss, N. S.,2006, p. 713-720). Ovarian cancer staging It is possible to trace the following ovarian cancer stages, such as: Stage 1 — limited to one or both ovaries; †¢ 1A) cone ovary is affected, no ascites; †¢ 1B) both ovaries are affected, no ascites; †¢ 1C) appearance of the tumor on the surface of the ovary (s), ascites. Stage 2 — disease spreads in the small pelvis; †¢ 2A) affection of the uterus or fallopian tubes; †¢ 2B) affection of other tissues of the small pelvis; †¢ 2C) tumor on the surface of the ovary (s), ascites. Stage 3 — affection of the peritoneum, metastases in the liver and other organs within the abdomen, affection of groin lymph nodes; †¢ 3A) — microscopic peritoneal metastasis beyond the pelvis; †¢ 3B) — metastasis less than 2 cm in size; †¢ 3C) — metastases more than 2 cm in diameter, involving retroperitoneal and inguinal lymph nodes. Stage 4 — distant metastases. (Rossing, M. A., Tang, M. C., Flagg, E. W., Weiss, L. K., Wicklund, K. G., & Weiss, N. S., 2006., p. 713-720). Thus, these are the basic ovarian cancer stages, which help to find out how widespread ovarian cancer is. Classification of ovarian tumors 1) Surface epithelial-stromal tumors – the largest group of benign epithelial ovarian tumors are cystadenoma. 2) Sex cord-stromal tumors with a minimum number of elements have the structure of sex cord-tech fibroids and may contain small nests or tubules of sex cord-type cells. 3) Germ cell tumors are teratomas, which in most cases are benign. . (Rossing, M. A., Tang, M. C., Flagg, E. W., Weiss, L. K., Wicklund, K. G., & Weiss, N. S., 2006., p. 713-720). Ovarian cancer treatment Ovarian cancer can be suspected by a gynecologist during a standard pelvic examination. However, â€Å"much of the problem is that ovarian cancer is often detected too late. Not everyone has symptoms, and the classic ones—bloating, pelvic pain, difficulty eating and urinary frequency, are easily confused with other maladies† (Johannes, 2010, para. 6). That is why the doctor should regularly check the pelvis and conduct the palpation of the uterus, vagina, tubes, ovaries, bladder, and rectum. In addition, it is essential to use a pelvic organ ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), radionuclide studies (scintigraphy), intestinal endoscopy, as well as a laparoscopic examination of the pelvis with a biopsy. (Zhang, M., Xie, X., Lee, A. H., & Binns, C. W., 2004, p. 83-89). Remember that ovarian cancer does not have any obvious symptoms in the early stages. Therefore, the annual gynecological examination and ultrasonography of the groin area are very important. Main tr eatment usually involves surgery, chemotherapy, and sometimes radiotherapy. Depending on the extent of tumor spread, surgery can be performed in various capacities. The obtained material must be sent for further examination. If the tumor significantly extends, the doctor should conduct the courses of chemotherapy, and then perform surgery. Mainly, surgery is performed in a radical way: the uterus with the tubes, pelvic tissue with lymph nodes, and omentum in the form of an apron are removed completely. Gland contains lymph nodes, which are often affected by metastases. Ovarian cancer has the ability to affect a healthy ovary through the cross metastases. (Rossing, M. A., Tang, M. C., Flagg, E. W., Weiss, L. K., Wicklund, K. G., & Weiss, N. S., 2006., p. 713-720). Therefore, it is very important to remove both ovaries in order to preserve the life of the patient. Taking into consideration the aggressive nature of the disease, chemotherapy is considered to be a required component of ovarian cancer treatment. The standard chemotherapy protocol consists of two major drugs, such as Carboplatin and Taxol. (Kiani, F., Knutsen, S., Singh, P., Ursin, G., & Fraser, G., 2006, p. 137-146). Medication duration, dosage and additional drugs are determined individually: in accordance with the type of tumor, the degree of spreading and other indicators. It is possible to conduct the additional courses of chemotherapy after surgery. Ovarian cancer treatment has its specific nature. It is connected with the fact that the tumor in the ovary cannot be seen. Therefore, in cases when the doctor does not operate the patient, the only way to be sure that the tumor is gone completely is use a high-dose chemotherapy. The main features of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer Chemotherapy is performed in almost all the stages of the disease. Sometimes it is used to fight against the tumor, sometimes to contain the tumor and prevent it’s spreading, sometimes in order to delay the total defeat of the body. In any case, chemotherapy for ovarian cancer is proved as an effective fighting method. Chemotherapy does serious damage to the body, but its main advantage is that the drugs work in the body, and thus blocks the development of the last stage of cancer, as well as the spreading to adjacent organs. Chemotherapy for ovarian cancer has a greater chance of success than radiotherapy, because it comes to the heart of the problem. The most important thing is that chemotherapy can get rid of cancer cells, which have already started to progress, but have not yet appeared in the specific symptoms. In other words, it can nip with the problem in the bud. Thus, if the use of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer is offered, do not refuse to do it. This is one of the few chances that could save your life, and give a reason to hope for the restoration of a normal life and future. In some cases, in addition to chemotherapy, the doctor can prescribe radiotherapy in order to kill the cancer cells. However, it is not commonly used and does not play an important role in the treatment of ovarian cancer. How to prevent the development of ovarian cancer? Every woman should know her vulnerabilities – â€Å"loopholes† through which cancer can penetrate into the body. Loophole 1: Late arrival to the gynecologist The annual preventive gynecological examination is required for all the women. Women, who have ovarian cancer, address to the doctor too late. This is due to the irregular visits to the gynecologist, because of this the initial stages of the disease go unnoticed. At first, cancer progresses usually without any of the characteristic symptoms. Subsequently, women can suffer from uterine bleeding, that doesn’t usually coincide with the period of menstruation and often ignore the abnormality. (Grilli, R., Apolone, G., Marsoni, S., Nicolucci, A., Zola, P., & Liberati, A., 1991, p.50-63). Women need to understand that the existence of such a symptom is a serious cause for concern, because any vaginal bleeding aside from the normal monthly menstruation may indicate a malfunction in the body. Another characteristic which women often ignore is lower abdominal pain. These pains can be short or long, weak, or strong. However, it is not desirable to immediately take analgesics to numb the unpleasant feelings. In such a case, it will be more reasonable to see a gynecologist. In addition, it is important to conduct an ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries. Usually a pelvic examination and ultrasound can detect ovarian cancer at the early stages. (Titus-Ernstoff, L., Rees, J. R., Terry, K. L., & Cramer, D. W., 2010, p. 201-207). The growth of ovarian tumors may be accompanied by low-grade temperature, shivering, and weakness. If you do not have an infectious disease and severe pain, but constant weakness and nausea, it is essential to consult with a gynecologist. (Titus-Ernstoff, L., Rees, J. R., Terry, K. L., & Cramer, D. W., 2010, p. 201-207). Loophole 2: Changes in hormonal balance Many women going through menopause also experience profound changes in the level of sex hormones. â€Å"An excess of female hormones can lead to ovarian tumors and other serious gynecological diseases† (Jordan, S. J., Purdie, D. M., Green, A. C., & Webb, P. M., 2004, p.359-365). The patients, who have had surgery on the uterus and ovaries, are also at increased risk. In addition to various infectious complications, they can also have a hormonal disorder. One of the reasons for ovarian cancer is an excess of sex hormone called gonadotropin, which leads to the development of other hormone-dependent tumors. (Jordan, S. J., Purdie, D. M., Green, A. C., & Webb, P. M., 2004, p.359-365). Therefore, women with hormonal malfunctions should be evaluated by a gynecologist with special attention. Loophole 3: Change of sexual partners and childlessness Sexual promiscuity often leads to frequent abortions. Every abortion is a serious hormonal disruption of the whole female body. The consequences of abortion are infertility, chronic diseases of the uterus and other reproductive organs. Sexual promiscuity can also lead to various infectious diseases of the genital organs. Some of these diseases often increase the risk of ovarian cancer. Nulliparous women suffer from ovarian cancer more often than those who have children. (King, M., Marks, J. H., Mandell, J. B., 2003, p. 643-646). Loophole 4: Unhealthy lifestyles It is known that women, who smoke or drink alcohol, are much more susceptible to ovarian cancer. Cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption weaken their health and therefore they have a higher risk of cancer. â€Å"In recent years, it is possible to trace the appearance of different cosmetics and dietary supplements. They contain the hormonal stimulants, which are very harmful for the female body† (Kiani, F., Knutsen, S., Singh, P., Ursin, G., & Fraser, G., 2006, p.137-146). It is necessary to carefully use such stimulants. Before taking these pills, it is essential to consult your primary care physician or gynecologist. Women, who have menopause, should eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and other nutrients (Kiani, F., Knutsen, S., Singh, P., Ursin, G., & Fraser, G., 2006, p.137-146). Furthermore, personal hygiene is vital to good health. Remember that any chronic diseases, especially concerning the sexual organs, weaken the immune system and increases the risk of tumor deve lopment. However, if diagnosed as having ovarian cancer don’t give up. Remember that timely access to a physician is the key to success. Tumors can be detected by the usual examination and then refined with the help of the ultrasound and analysis. If the disease is detected in an early stage, treatment will be more effective. In such a case, the doctor has the ability to combine surgical and medical treatment, without affecting the uterus and ovaries. Such patients can even get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. The later stages of ovarian cancer are characterized by more severe symptoms and can even lead to the complete removal of the ovaries, uterus and other organs affected by the tumor. Unfortunately, the survival rate of these patients is very low, and they often have relapse (McGuire, W.P., & Markman, M. (2003). Conclusion Taking the above-mentioned information into consideration, it is possible to draw a conclusion that ovarian cancer is often called the â€Å"silent killer† because clinically the first manifestations are associated with the spread of the tumor outside the ovary, and sometimes beyond the pelvis. Ovarian cancer can be divided into the following forms, such as primary, secondary, and metastatic. The most common symptoms for ovarian cancer are pain in the abdomen and lower back, accompanied with abdominal distention and ascites. However, these symptoms are typical for a number of benign ovarian tumors. Surgical treatment of ovarian cancer is considered to be the fundamental. The prevention of ovarian cancer is possible through the regular preventive examinations. References Cannistra, S.A. (2004). Cancer of the ovary. N. Engl. J. Med., 351 (24), 2519-29. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra041842 Goff, B. A., Mandel, L. S., Melancon, C. H., Muntz, H. G. (2004). Frequency of Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer in Women Presenting to Primary Care Clinics. American Medical Association, 291 (22), 2705-2712. Grilli, R., Apolone, G., Marsoni, S., Nicolucci, A., Zola, P., & Liberati, A. (1991). The Impact of Patient Management Guidelines on the Care of Breast, Colorectal, and Ovarian Cancer Patients in Italy. Medical Care, 29 (1), 50-63. Johannes, L. (2010, March 9). Test to Help Determine If Ovarian Masses Are Cancer. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Jordan, S., Green, A., & Webb, P. (2006). Benign Epithelial Ovarian Tumours: Cancer Precursors or Markers for Ovarian Cancer Risk? Cancer Causes & Control, 17 (5), 623-632. Jordan, S. J., Purdie, D. M., Green, A. C., & Webb, P. M. (2004). Coffee, Tea and Caffeine and Risk of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Causes & Control, 15 (4), 359-365. Jordan, S. J., Siskind, V., Green, A. C., Whiteman, D. C., & Webb, P. M. (2010). Breastfeeding and Risk of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer. Cancer Causes & Control, 21 (1), 109-116. Kiani, F., Knutsen, S., Singh, P., Ursin, G., & Fraser, G. (2006). Dietary Risk Factors for Ovarian Cancer: The Adventist Health Study (United States). Cancer Causes & Control, 17 (2), 137-146. King, M., Marks, J. H., Mandell, J. B. (2003). Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risks Due to Inherited Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. The New York Breast Cancer Study Group Science, New Series, 302 (5645), 643-646. Kuper, H., Cramer, D. W., & Titus-Ernstoff, L. (2002). Risk of Ovarian Cancer in the United States in Relation to Anthropometric Measures: Does the Association Depend on Menopausal Status? Cancer Causes & Control, 13 (5), 455-463. McGuire, W.P., & Markman, M. (2003). Primary ovarian cancer chemotherapy: current standards of car e. Br. J. Cancer, 89 (3), 3-8. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6601494. Modugno, F., Moslehi, R., Ness, R. B., Nelson, D. B., Bell, S., Kant, J. A., Wheeler, J. E., Fishman, D., Karlan, B., Risch, J., Cramer, D. W., Dube, M., & Narod, S. A. (2003). Reproductive factors and ovarian cancer risk in Jewish BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers (United States). Cancer Cause and Control, 14, 439-446. Rossing, M. A., Tang, M. C., Flagg, E. W., Weiss, L. K., Wicklund,

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Utilitarianism And John Stuart Mill - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 675 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/08/07 Category Ethics Essay Level High school Topics: Utilitarianism Essay Did you like this example? According to John Stuart Mill, utility or the greatest happiness principle holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Mills 99). He believes the choice that will generate the greatest good for the greatest number would be the most ethical. Utilitarianism revolves around human happiness and pleasures and the avoidance of pain. Morally, an action is accurate if it leads to the right way of behaving in a certain situation for choosing the alternative that is likely to produce the greatest overall good. From a utilitarianism standpoint, the ethical thing to do in the situation for Jim is to simply go with the option of shooting one of these Indians with the intention of saving the lives of nineteen individuals. If Jim chooses the route of shooing the Indian, he will, for the most part, cause pleasure for nineteen individuals and their families. If he refuses to shoot the Indian and all twenty die, he will cause pain for twenty people and bring pain to all of their families. According to Mills and utilitarianism, it will be better to bite the bullet and take the loss of the one individual over the loss of the entire group. Though, it could be objected that this is still immoral. Killing an individual is still unethical irrespective of the reason. At first, the choice seems clear to shoot the one Indian to let the others go free, but the answer is much more complicated than that. The moral beliefs of an individual are inconsistent. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Utilitarianism And John Stuart Mill" essay for you Create order Some people might argue that it would be better to choose the one individual and choose this path without hesitation. Others would argue that it would be best to rid themselves of guilt by not committing any crimes themselves. Others still would argue that by doing nothing would make them guilty by association. There is no one right or wrong answer to the question because everyones belief of ?morally right is different. There is no single path that is clearer in this case since we cannot comprehend the ethical values of each individual. Secondly, the given case is grounded on complex ethical conditions; from an ethical standpoint, the answer looks obvious. Jim is presented with a decision to decide whether it is better to kill one person or allow more than one person to die. Certainly, it is easier to see how awful the outcome would be if twenty individuals are to be murdered when Jim could potentially prevent so much pain but does Jim really have the power here or do the captain and the henchman? The truth is, if Jim chooses to kill one of the Indians, he is allowing the captain and the henchman to persuade him to commit a crime he does not want to commit. He would be allowing someone to turn him into a murderer. If Jim refuses to kill one of the Indians, he is choosing the morally right path because no matter who kills the one Indian, the henchman or Jim, the action is horrendous and morally wrong. Therefore, Jim should choose to not kill the Indian and stay out of the situation completely. I think he should stand up to the captain and maybe hope that this act of defiance could lead to the captain changing his mind about this situation altogether. If he stands up to them and tries to persuade them that the act of killing twenty innocent individuals will do nothing to solve the problem of the Indians revolting against the government. He may, in turn, get killed himself, but at least he would not be facilitating situation and committing a crime himself. In conclusion, utilitarianism is based on the belief ethical decisions should be made in regard to helping people and as opposed to harming them. People with the highest moral value lead the most ethical lives. Therefore, as long as you keep the needs of others in mind in every decision utility can always be reached.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Standardized Testing and its Effect on Education - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1502 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/06/26 Category Management Essay Level High school Tags: Standardized Testing Essay Did you like this example? Standardized tests are seen in many schools across america, and are given to students multiple times each year. In fact, The average number of standardized tests administered per school system per year is five (Sproull, Zubrow 628). All of these tests are used as a way for schools to evaluate students learning and comprehension abilities throughout each year. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Standardized Testing and its Effect on Education" essay for you Create order Standardized tests can also play into the decision of whether or not a student is set to move up to the next grade level. These tests are a good way to measure a student at certain points throughout each year, however, they may not be the best way to evaluate a student overall. While many schools put standardized tests into practice, they are not an accurate way to measure a students overall knowledge because they are unfair and harmful to students as well as teachers. Standardized testing was first seen around the time of World War I. These tests were so successful in classifying and assigning military personnel that during the 1920s they were introduced into our school systems (Daniels 12). Many years later, in 2001, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) was introduced as a way to ensure that no child was left behind in education. This act played a pretty substantial role in standardized testing. NCLB required both annual student testing and school-level reporting that indicated whether schools were succeeding or failing to make adequate yearly progress (AYP) toward proficiency goals ( Dee 253). With this act still in place today, the testing it requires has not only made huge impacts on schools, but on students and teachers as well. Standardized Testing, being that it is so widespread, affects students across the United States in so many different ways. There has been a lot of arguments over the years about whether or not standardized testing is effective in schools. Many supporters of standardized testing argue that the tests are good for students and and have positive effects on them, but some would argue otherwise. Supporters of standardized testing may argue that the tests provide important information for the students. For example, if a student does bad on a section in the test, they know to study more for that specific topic. Another argument that supporters might make is that the tests help to push students to try harder and pay more attention in their classrooms. Although these tests may seem to be a good thing for students, research seems to show otherwise. Standardized tests are surprisingly harmful and even unfair to students in schools today. Research has shown that Students of color, students with disabilities, English-language learners, and low-income students are failing state graduation tests at rates as high as 60% to 90%, leaving them to face bleak futures (Sadker, Zittleman 742-743). This data makes it evident that certain students are at a disadvantage. By measuring all students against the same yardsticks of literacy and numeracy, individual creativity and differences are lost or denigrated (Sadker, Zittleman 744). All students are being given the same expectations on tests and it is clearly unfair to do so in certain cases, such as if a student has a learning disability and has trouble comprehending questions on tests. These situations have many negative effects on students. Frustration , discouragement from trying, increased competition, and a general devaluation of grades and school assessments are the primary negativ e student effects (Mertler 5). All of these effects can make huge impacts on a students education and possibly even their future. Many schools see importance in the motivation of students to do well on assessments by offering rewards or praise to the those who do well. Although rewarding students might seem like an easy fix to help motivate kids, it was stated by George Madaus and Clarke Marguerite that In practice, however, some students immediately dismiss the examination because they perceive the award to be unobtainable (Madaus, Clark 11). One of the reasons that this happens is because Young children adopt an optimistic view of their own abilities and count their own efforts, teacher praise, and tangible rewards as evidence of their learning and progress ( Paris 14). Therefore, if students arent getting praised or rewards from teachers, they might take that as not being smart or making progress. Once a student gets into that mindset, they arent going to try as hard next time because they feel like they arent smart enough to reach the reward. With this in mind, it seems that the rewards or praise given t o students with higher scores, might have some negative and harmful effects on students who dont do as well. Another factor that plays into the harm and unfairness of standardized testing is that many schools scattered throughout the United States are located in regions that dont have a very high-income rate. This means that the schools may not have adequate money to provide the proper materials for its students which in return can affect their learning and test scores. The journal article Poor Teaching for Poor Kids stated that high stakes testing systems may provide more money to those already successful (for example, in the form of bonuses for good scores) and less to those whose need is greatest (Kohn 253). This being said, because of the lack of money in certain schools, students arent doing as well on their testing because they cant afford the needed books and supplies like some others might. It was not only found that these tests affect regions with a low-income, but that The most conspicuous victims of high-stakes testing are low-income minority children (Kohn 251). Those students who are low-income minority children are the ones being affected the most and it is very unfair. Researchers have identified several characteristics of standardized tests that could negatively bias the scores of minority students and of students from low-income families (Neill, Medina 691). These low-income minority students are being subjected to tests that contain questions that only whites and families with a higher income would be likely to know the answers to. Researchers have also discovered that the elaborated , stylized English commonly used in standardized tests prevents such tests from accurately measuring the achievement, ability, or skills of students who speak nonstandard (e.g., African-American, Hispanic, southern, Appalachian, working-class) dialects (Neill, Medina 692). This research shows that these standardized tests arent doing as much good for the students as some may think. They are very clearly unfair to low-income minority students, and in the end they are only causing more harm to those students than good. Not only does standardized testing impact students, but it also has an impact on the educators in schools. Research has found that there are both positive and negative impacts on those educators. In an article written by Craig Mertler, it was stated that Positive effects on teachers include improvements in the diagnosis of individual student needs and the identification of strengths and weaknesses in the curriculum, as well as increased motivation to work harder and smarter, to align instruction with standards, and to identify content not mastered by students, thus allowing for redirected instruction ( Mertler 5-6). With this being said, standardized testing can have positive impacts on teachers, however there are many negatives that come along with it as well. Standardized testing impacts teachers in a more negative way than most might think. On the whole we know that high-stakes testing is controlling both what and how subjects are taught (Au, Gourd 17). Testing in schools seem to be making matters worse for teachers and students throughout the country. According to Wayne Au and Karen Gourd, writers from The English Journal, They are rooted in racism and classism, and as a 2011 National Research Council report tells us, a focus on high-stakes testing for nearly a decade has not closed achievement gaps, and in cases like the use of high school exit exams required for graduation, they have made it worse (Au, Gourd 18). Therefore, having classrooms focus on testing isnt benefiting us as much as we may have thought. Although Supporters of standardized testing believe if teachers cover just the subject matter required by the standards and teach it well, their students will master the material on which they will be tested- no special test preparation will be needed (Asaff 158), many teachers have found that teaching based off of the subjects on the test isnt the most effective thing for themselves or their students. Not surprisingly, in a national study, nearly seven out of ten teachers reported feeling test stress, and two out of three believed that preparing for the test takes time from teaching important, non-tested, topics ( Sadker, Zittleman 743). This data shows that teachers are feeling stressed because of pressure to have their students excel on tests. In return, students are only being taught based on test subjects and are missing out on other information that might be of importance to them later in life. While some teaching in schools should prepare students for testing, there needs t o be more time set aside for teachers to teach on topics that might not be based off of the tests.