Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Dangers Of Smoking Tobacco - 1121 Words

Executive Summary The dangers of smoking tobacco exceeds far beyond the individual using the tobacco product. Secondhand Smoke (SHS) is a dangerous byproduct of smoking that affects anyone who comes into contact with the smoke. Educating the community about the dangers and unintended consequences of being around cigarettes is a focus of this paper, as well as looking into the effectiveness of current smoke-free policies. There are businesses and cities that are becoming smoke-free, and they are putting policies into place that legally protect the non-smokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke via involuntary smoking. Involving stakeholders in this policy change is vital to actually incorporating change within the community. Legislators, the business community, health departments, schools, hospitals, and community residents would all have very good opinions for both sides of this issue. Problem Statement Are smoke-free policies effectively protecting the general public? Background Secondhand smoke (SHS) is smoke that is exhaled by people smoking, or from the burning tobacco product themselves. SHS is also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). According to the American Cancer Society (2015), secondhand smoke is a mixture of 2 forms of smoke that come from burning tobacco: sidestream smoke and mainstream smoke. Sidestream smoke is the smoke that is from the lighted end of the cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Mainstream smoke is the smoke that is exhaled by theShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of Smoking Tobacco Smoking1547 Words   |  7 PagesDISCUSSION Since you cannot tackle what you are unaware of, the first step in decreasing tobacco smoking is to identify who the smokers are. These could be potential or current users of tobacco and tobacco products or people who are affected by environmental smoke also known as secondhand smoke. Health care providers cannot stop or reduce usage in a patient if they do not know whether the patient is a beginner or a current user. In the health care system, the family physicians are usually the primaryRead MoreThe Dangers Of Tobacco Smoking2505 Words   |  11 Pageshigh income countries but also in low and middle income countries. A major contributor to this is tobacco smoking (Valdes-Salgado, 2010). Tobacco smoking is a deadly habit that is undertaken for various reasons. These include social pressures, stress and also as the result of growing up in a smoking environment. Education and government intervention have been found to be a key factors in reducing smoking within populations, however these are the areas that are lacking in developing countries, resultingRead MoreThe Dangers Of Tobacco And Smoking1584 Words   |  7 Pagessurrounded by smoking day to day everywhere we go even if we don’t smoke it affects us. It has been in our society for generations. Families have grown up with family members that smoke or even smoking themselves. Smoking is a large part of our society spending billions while boosting the economy with sales and ads; in the midst of so much negativity surrounding smoking which is it good or bad? We hear the negatives all the time but upsides to smoking are never discussed. Tobacco and smoking were notRead MoreThe Dangers Of Smoking Tobacco1497 Words   |  6 PagesTobacco; one of the most profitable products in history, an addictive substance, and a deadly killer. Smoking tobacco used to be a thing that was endorsed in American society. Now, with the new medical advances and knowledge, society has seen the side effects of smoking and how fatal it actually is. Teenagers have been one of the largest age groups that have been affected by smoking. After analyzing all possible reasons as to why teenagers would smoke while knowing it can affect their health, threeRead MoreThe Dangers Of Smoking Tobacco Smoking Essay2296 Words   |  10 PagesYouth tobacco smoking has been associated with so many factors. To start with social and physical environments have been associated with this because of the way the mass media shows tobacco smoking as a normal thing and this has promoted tobacco use among the youths. Parental smoking has also contributed because their parents are role models and they always follow their steps. Secondly there are some genetic and biological factors that contribute to this. This occurs where it is more difficult forRead MoreThe Cipollone Vs. Liggett Group, Inc. Case Against Three Tobacco Companies749 Words   |  3 Pagescase against three tobacco companies, Antonio Cipollone, a husband sued three tobacco companies for the death of his wife, Rose Cipollone, due to lung cancer. 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They would chew it or put it into a pipe: By the late 19th century, cigarette making machines were inventedRead MoreHow Tobacco Affects The Human Body Essay970 Words   |  4 Pages Tobacco has more than 4000 substances in it. Nicotine is one of these chemicals in tobacco, which makes its user addicted to it. Also, Nicotine can affect the human body by speeding up the nervous system. Smokers feel more energized due to smoking tobacco. When people try to quit smoking, they experience the withdrawal effect. Many health problems are associated with smoking due to the fact that it alters how the body is working. There are about 480,000 deaths related to smoking every yearRead MoreShould Tobacco Advertising Be Banned?897 Words   |  4 Pageshealth hazard that arises from tobacco, I am of the opinion that tobacco advertising be ban completely in Indian. Ethics is a system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct of a person or a group. It is a way of being human and having a feeling of compassion, sympathy or regard for others the way we have for ourselves. There is this famous saying of Abraham Lincoln â€Å"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.† Managers of tobacco companies cannot pretend theyRead MoreShould Tobacco Advertising Be Banned? Essay897 Words   |  4 Pageshealth hazard that arises from tobacco, I am of the opinion that tobacco advertising be ban completely in Indian. Ethics is a system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct of a person or a group. It is a way of being human and having a feeling of compassion, sympathy or regard for others the way we have for ourselves. There is this famous saying of Abraham Lincoln â€Å"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.† Managers of tobacco companies cannot pretend they

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children Program Development Free Essays

string(67) " arise from the potential adverse effects of infection and caries\." Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children: Program Development School of Nursing Health Teaching and Promotion Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children: Program Development Dental caries is a single most prevalent chronic infectious disease amongst US children (US Dept of Health and Human Services, 2000). Caries progression in younger children is more rapid and severe than in adults, resulting in the ailment known as Early Childhood Caries. According to National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) morbidity report almost 20% of children 2-5 years old had untreated dental caries (2012). We will write a custom essay sample on Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children: Program Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now In order to prevent tooth decay and promote good oral hygiene in young children, the community nurse will coordinate with East Los Angeles day care centers to hold a series of short classes for groups of parents 10-14 at a time just before the end of day care’s business day. These classes will focus on preventing caries development in preschool children by raising awareness amongst parents. The education will target Hispanic day care centers, and the goals of the program will be achieved by educating parents and their preschool children on factors that contribute to cavities formation, and strategies to prevent caries progression. Health Prevention Need According to Dental Health Foundation (DHF) children in California have twice as much untreated dental caries as the rest of the nation (2000). DHF further indicates that national minorities are at higher risk to develop dental problems. Variables such as socioeconomic status and educational level directly correlate with the rates of the dental disease prevalence (US Dept of Health and Human Services, 2000). According to NCHS, almost 40% of Mexican children from families that are below 100% of poverty level have untreated dental issues. Additional factor that contribute to dental cavities progression is lack of insurance. More than quarter of Californian preschoolers and elementary school students have no dental coverage (DHF, 2000). The practice of giving a nocturnal bottle is still utilized by more than 30% of Californians, and is considered as most common factor that contributes to tooth decay (US Dept of Health and Human Services, 2000). Caries in children may be source of severe pain, interfere with learning, diminish overall quality of life, and potentially lead to life-threatening infections. Fortunately, dental caries is easily preventable by following basic oral hygiene strategies. However due to lack of knowledge and other socio-economic and cultural barriers, these guidelines frequently are not followed, and children suffer from tooth decay and associated problems. The goal of this educational course closely replicates oral health goals set by Healthy People 2020, which emphasizes importance of education and prevention (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2012). A joint effort of public health professionals, day care centers personnel, and individual parents’ involvement can halt the progression of caries and prevent the tooth decay in children. Characteristics of Learners This program will involve parents and their preschool children, and child care providers. Considering the geographical location of proposed courses (East Los Angeles), the most of the participating children are of Hispanic heritage, three to five years old; include both gender, and most likely bilingual. Piaget coined a term of preoperational intelligence to describe the cognitive learning in children ages 2 to 6 (Berger, 2008). Preoperational cognition, according to Piaget, denotes learning that occurs before understanding logical operations. Children’s cognitive processes at this age are magical and egocentric (Berger, 2008). Lev Vygotsky, in contrast to Piaget’s theory emphasized the social learning as an important part of knowledge formation. Vygotsky recognized the importance of guided participation in learning process of preschool children. He provided four steps created by caregivers that motivate children to learn: challenge presentation, assistance availability, instructions, and encouragement. Another prominent social development theorist, Eric Erikson described preschool children being in the initiative versus guilt state, which characterized by child balancing effort and expectations of adults (Berger, 2008). Preschool children may have prior knowledge of basic oral hygiene strategies, but need assistance and supervision. Additionally children at this age are able to follow two or three step instructions, curious and motivated, do distinguish cause and effect in simple situations. Berger states that young preschool children have healthy growing organisms, but greatly influenced by genetics, nutrition, socioeconomic status, and other factors (2008). The long standing tradition of encouraging children to eat traced in low-income Hispanic families is turning into the overeating epidemic in the US (Berger, 2008). Besides overeating, poor dietary choices, such as snacks with little nutritional value, but high in sugar, fat, and salt pose a direct danger to oral health. The second category of learners in this course is comprised of adult Hispanic parents of preschool children, and caregivers at day care centers. Both parents and caregivers are most likely emerging adults with ages ranging from 21 to 35. Most of them belong to lower socioeconomic status, with public health being the only source of healthcare coverage. As much as 45% are uninsured (NCHS, 2012). Almost 25% of these adults live below poverty level, and median per capita in income is almost 2. 5 times less than that of rest of California (United States Census Bureau, 2012). Forty four percent of East Los Angeles population reported having a high school diploma, and only 5. 4% achieved baccalaureate degree as highest level of education (United States Census Bureau, 2012). As much as 97% of population is of Hispanic descent, and almost half of them are foreign born individuals. Catholicism is a predominant religion amongst Hispanic population. People of Hispanic origin have strong values of family relations, religion, tradition and customs. They might have preconceived ideas of oral hygiene, but most likely not follow the guidelines. Hispanics have a strong respect to healthcare providers, and their culture prescribes obedience and compliance, making them open to learning to certain degree (Berger, 2008). They might have limited English proficiency and be illiterate, which makes learning process harder. Nursing Diagnosis A multitude of nursing diagnoses are applicable to the situation of poor oral hygiene. Various problems arise from the potential adverse effects of infection and caries. You read "Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children: Program Development" in category "Papers" But for this educational course two interrelated nursing diagnoses were identified. The first nursing diagnosis is ineffective oral health maintenance related to knowledge deficit, cultural beliefs, and lack of material resources as evidenced by reported poor dentition status in children (Wilkinson, 2005). The second diagnosis directly stems from the first one: knowledge deficit related to lack of exposure and unfamiliarity with information resources as evidenced by inadequate demonstration of proper teeth brushing and flossing techniques (Wilkinson, 2005). These two diagnoses will guide the content of educational course with focus on relevant needs. Client-Centered Educational Goal Wilkinson includes goals into the nursing diagnoses for evaluation of outcomes (2005). Goals are descriptions of desired family or client actions that can be measured or directly observed (Wilkinson, 2005). Upon completion of this course parents will express knowledge of importance of proper oral hygiene, demonstrate correct brushing and flossing techniques, and identify strategies that reduce progression of caries. The following education plan is tailored to the client-centered goals with objectives that reflect clients’ needs. Learning Objectives Rankin, Stallings, and London state that leaning objectives have to be clearly formulated, time-limited, verifiable (measurable), and attainable in order to achieve effective learning (2005). A curriculum for health professionals and child care providers by California Childcare Health Program was used in the process of objectives identification (2005). To achieve stated educational goal six objectives: two of each learning domain were formulated. Cognitive objectives: 1. After attending a class on oral hygiene (condition), parents will state (performance) the detrimental effects of snack and drinks high in sugar, and nocturnal bottle on progression of teeth decay prior to the end of class (criterion). 2. After attending a class on oral hygiene (condition), parents will state (performance) the need to assist children with brushing until age of 8 by the end of class (criterion). Affective objectives: 1. After discussing a recommended routine of oral hygiene (condition), parents will verbalize (performance) their feelings associated with changes in the routine by the end of the class (criterion). 2. After discussing effects of sugar on tooth decay and importance of dietary modification (condition), parents will state their challenges associated with breaking he nocturnal bottle habit in their children (performance) routine by the end of the class (criterion). Ppsychomotor objectives: 1. After observing instructor perform correct brushing techniques (condition), parents and children will demonstrate a repeat demonstration (performance) routine by the end of the class (criterion). 2. After attending the class (condition), children will demonstrate â€Å"lift the lip† technique (per formance), to allow their parents inspect the teeth by the end of the class (criterion). Content Outline Content outline allows structured learning environment and provides guidance to the instructor. The content outline for oral health should include information on basic teeth anatomy, teeth eruption pattern, signs and symptoms of caries and teeth infection. The signs of infection may include gum or facial swelling on affected side, foul odor, drainage, and visible cavities and discoloration (California Childcare Health Program, 2005). The information of possible outcomes of untreated infection need to bi disclosed. Children may complain of pain and discomfort. Further, content outline should include demonstration of correct brushing techniques, both for parents and children, and information on relationship of sugar and night-time bottle to tooth decay. The session should include questions and answers section to allow parents and children validate their understanding. Active discussion is encouraged to promote disclosure of feelings associated with necessary changes. Content outline need to incorporate information on public health resources available to low income families to meet material needs. Instructional Strategies and Media The proposed education program will take place in the day care centers in East Los Angeles, CA, 1 hour prior to the end of business day. The course will be divided into 2 parts, first focusing on dental health concepts, and the second will be devoted to the correct brushing techniques and evaluation of learning. Teaching will be conducted in group format with estimated 10-15 participants. Group format allows sharing of concepts between members and more comfortable environment (Rankin et al. , 2005). The first part will be in the lecture format, reinforced by booklets both in English and Spanish anguages. Video material and plaster model of jaws will be utilized, to demonstrate teeth anatomy. Rankin and others note that instructional videos are more effective in conjunction with practice and return demonstration (Rankin et al. , 2005). Therefore, the second part of the session will focus on demonstration of brushing strategies, different positions to assist parents with brushing, and dental products. Demonstration can reinforce psychomotor objectives achievement, and lectures and videos are effective in meeting cognitive objectives (Rankin et al. , 2005). At the end, parents will be allowed to ask questions and reflect on their feelings, which will result in achievement of affective learning objectives. Instructional media listed above will include resources and materials recommended by â€Å"Promoting Children’s Oral Health: Curriculum for health professionals and child care providers† with permission of its developer – California Childcare Health Program. These include 4-minute â€Å"Lift the Lip† video on basic oral exam for parents and day care center providers, â€Å"Healthy teeth begin at birth† booklet, and the â€Å"What do you think? questionnaire to evaluate parents understanding and validate their feelings and concerns. All the materials are available in English and Spanish (California Childcare Health Program, 2005). Evaluation of Objectives and Program Evaluation Strategies To evaluate the outcomes of educational session, the lecturer will use a modified and simplified â€Å"Evaluation questionnaire† available from â€Å"Curriculum for health professionals and child care providers† to reflect both on cognitive learning, and to assess program perceived effectiveness (California Childcare Health Program, 2005). This tool includes questions with answers utilizing Likert scale to elicit feelings related to course effectiveness, and a simple test to assess knowledge. Observation of return demonstration of teeth brushing by both parents and children will serve as evaluation strategy for psychomotor objectives. Observation allows the teacher to provide feedback and corrective measures (Rankin et al. , 2005). The questions and answers session at the end of the class will assist the evaluation of achievement of both cognitive and affective objectives, by allowing participant verbalize their feelings, and validate their learning. Several open ended questions are included in the written questionnaire as well. Conclusion The oral health of children is greatly impacted by such socioeconomic variables, as their parents’ income, education, culture, prior experience, and insurance status. Preschool children from Hispanic families in state of California are at higher risk to develop dental cavities compared to the rest of the state. Basic strategies and spread of information about dental health can prevent progression of dental caries and greatly improve future quality of life in preschool children. This program will teach parents, caregivers, and children on proper teeth brushing techniques, disseminate knowledge on basic oral health concepts, and provide a list of public resources available to overcome financial barriers. References Berger, K. S. (2008). The developing person through the life span. ( 7th ed. ). New York. NY: Worth Publishers. California Childcare Health Program. (2005). Bright Futures Toolbox: Health Professionals and Human Services Providers. Retrieved from National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center: http://www. ucsfchildcarehealth. org/pdfs/Curricula/oral%20health_11_v7. df National Center for Health Statistics. (2012). Health, United States, 2011: With Special Feature on. Hyattsville, MD. Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: http://www. cdc. gov/nchs/data/hus/hus11. pdf#076 Rankin, S. H. , Stallings, D. K. , London, F. (2005). Health promotion: Models and applications to patient education. In Patient Education in Health a nd Illness (5 ed. , pp. 27-46). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. The Dental Health Foundation. (2000). The Oral Health of California’s Children: Halting a Neglected Epidemic. Oakland, CA: Dental Health Foundation. United States Census Bureau. (2012). State County QuickFacts. Retrieved from United States Census: http://quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/06/0620802. html United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2012, August). Oral Health. Retrieved from Healthy People 2020: http://www. healthypeople. gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/overview. aspx? topicid=32 United States Department of Health and Human Services. (2000). Oral health in America: A report of the Surgeon General. National Institutes of Health, How to cite Preventing Tooth Decay in Hispanic Preschool Children: Program Development, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Truth Is Out There Do We free essay sample

The Truth Is Out There, Do We Wish To Know? Essay, Research Paper The Heart of Darkness The hunt for truth and cognition consumes us all at some point in our lives, but we don # 8217 ; t ever happen what we are looking for in Truth. We wish it to be unequivocal, but more than that, we search for it with the strong belief that we will happen it and be pleased, cheerily enlightened, and will populate better lives for it. In Heart of Darkness, it is shown that this is rarely true. Kurtz was destroyed by the truth he discovered about himself and the universe he lived in. He had known and believed a # 8220 ; white # 8221 ; truth about the universe he knew. His white truth was one of civilized, genteel thoughts and actions. Populating amongst the privileged few, the creative persons, instrumentalists, speechmakers, and other civilized people, he knew nil of the dark deepnesss of the human bosom. When confronted with those atrocious worlds, he was forced to larn the # 8220 ; black # 8221 ; truth about life and people. His head couldn # 8217 ; t grok the truths he had to accept ; it was wholly beliing to what he knew, and so he crumbled, selling his psyche to sit among devils and Satans. He was hollow indoors, had no sense of moral or societal duty, and the black truth he discovered ate off and destroyed him. He regressed to savage behaviours he had antecedently repressed and allow the darkness fill the cold nothingness within him. Because he knew so much inkiness, he was unable to populate in society once more. He crossed over and release all ties to the civilised universe, for he had lived the white truths to an extreme, so did he populate the black truths. Kurtz showed what happens when the white truths and prevarications of society are taken off. Kurtz lived and found nutriment in that world, when it vanished and was replaced by another, darker universe, he folded. In our society, we live by restraint. For Kurtz in Africa, all the restraints were removed and he was allowed to hold every bit much confect as he wished, even before dinner. This proved to be excessively much for him, he went to an extreme and was destroyed by the surpluss he craved, the really excesses that drove him to the top of the folks and peoples he conquered. When the shallowness of society was erased, made nothing and nothingness, it had to be replaced with the ferociousness of the wild. Kurtz was unable to cover with this, his head had been devoted to society for excessively long. After rapidly lifting to the top by utilizing fright and worship, he was destroyed by the surpluss he attained. Marlow sought truth, he was disgusted by the pieces of inkiness he glimpsed through the director # 8217 ; s waste and senseless inhuman treatment. He didn # 8217 ; t cognize white truth to the extent Kurtz did, neither did h e live the black truth. He simply observed, and what he saw profoundly disturbed him. He merely saw the inkiness to the full in Kurtz, nevertheless, and merely somewhat within himself. He seemed to be simply an perceiver, but in watching the diminution of Kurtz, he saw the power of the black truth. The ground he was able to defy it, though, was that he had basic unity. Kurtz lacked that, and so fell into the deep abysm of corruptness in his bosom. Marlow went to the border, looked down, but was able to withdraw. Kurtz realized his black truth, Marlow merely saw his wild and barbarous potency. They were light and dark sides of the same coin ; Kurtz was what Marlow might hold become, and Marlow what Kurtz might hold been. Kurtz # 8217 ; s Intended knew merely the white truth about him, while his black Mistress knew merely his inkiness. Each loved him for what they knew, and each would hold been destroyed by the other # 8217 ; s cognition. When Marlow lied to Kurtz # 8217 ; s Intended, he allowed her to maintain her psychotic beliefs about him, he let her go on to believe her white truths about him. This Lashkar-e-Taiba her get down mending, and it showed Marlow a new deepness within himself, a deepness that might hold gone unfulfilled without sing the inkiness of Africa. Kurtz # 8217 ; s Intended and his Mistress had no desire to cognize the truth, they were satisfied with what they knew. Kurtz # 8217 ; s Intended urgently felt she needed to cognize his last words, but the truth would hold wholly devastated her. Marlow told her a prevarication, but one she had to cognize. Kurtz # 8217 ; s picture of the blindfolded lightbearer told volumes about the nature of the universe and of Kurtz. He knew what he was acquiring into, knew all that was traveling on around him in the tusk concern and in the African universe. Possibly it showed that, until his journey into Africa, he didn # 8217 ; t entirely grok the darkness within the tusk concern, and within life itself. Largely, it seemed to demo that we end up destructing what we profess to edify ; because we go about our lives with blindfolds on, we are unable to carry through the baronial dreams we aspire to. We all see merely what we want to see, and by declining to accept the worlds of our lives, we destroy what we wish most to continue. Throughout the narrative, we catch glances of the savagery both in nature and in adult male. It seems, though, that the darkness in adult male, while ever present, must hold outside abandon to spur its waking up. It can be likened to a hibernating vent, harmless while kiping, but, one time awakened, barbarous, ardent, and powerful. The hunt for truth oftentimes outputs non the pleasant enlightenment expected and desired, but the abandon necessary to convey out the ferociousness and inhumaneness in us all.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

NHC The Importance of a Human Resource Manager

In a poor community one of the most important things to have is a health facility. Health is wealth as the saying goes, a simple statement but true. A successful career and all the material wealth that comes with it is incomparable to health. But poverty provides barriers for those who are not insured and could not afford to pay the fees of a medical doctor or avail of the health services of a private clinic.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on NHC: The Importance of a Human Resource Manager specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, in poor places like North Suburbia it is imperative to maintain the Neighborhood health clinic (NHC). However, the NCH is plague with monetary and employee-related problems. There are many solutions that NHC leaders can consider but it can be argued that hiring a competent human resource manager is the most effective solution that can create an immediate positive effect. The Trouble at NHC There was a time when North Suburbia was an attractive place to live. Due to an economic boom in the 1980s, Caucasians, African-Americans, and Hispanics began to replace the American-Indians that used to dominate the region. After a while, and because of significant shifts in the economic climate of the place, African-Americans became the majority. However, this trend did not last for long because high cost of living and expensive housing drove many away and the vacuum left was soon filled in by Hispanics. The only common denominator is that most of the residents are poor regardless of their ethnic background. Poverty easily creates a chain reaction of negative effects. The workload increases but the patients that come to NHC cannot afford to pay the bills. The NHC cannot run on good will and compassion alone. It must have a steady cash flow in order to buy medicines, purchase necessary equipment and pay for the wages of the health workers. Thus, the members of the board and top leaders of NHC must also divide their time to not only manage the facility but also to raise funds for the health center. But aside from the lack of funds other pressing concerns threatens to shut down the NHC. There is a culture and communication issue. There is a need to have equal representation in terms of ethnic composition of the work force.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More If NHC fails to attract African-American workers then the members of the black community would not be encouraged to use the services of the said facility, thinking that the place is run by Hispanics. If the situation is reversed the same thing will happen to the sentiments of the Spanish-speaking members of North Suburbia, they too will feel uncomfortable in availing the services of the NHC. The most sought after members of the community that should work in the health center are African-America ns; however, they are some of the most unreliable groups of workers that can be found at NHC. These are undependable workers because they are the byproduct of an environment struggling with a high crime rate, gangs, and drug use. According to one health officer: â€Å"some potential employees also had criminal records, were recovering from problems with substance abuse or had complicated family issues that could potentially interfere with their work schedules† (Denend, 2005, p.65). The situation calls for an expert in human resource management. It is of great importance to upgrade the workforce and the leadership core of NHC, nevertheless, â€Å"despite the tremendous need for training, NHC had been limited in the amount of time and money it devoted to staff development† (Denend, 2005, p.65). There must be continuous training to update the skills of the health workers. At the same time it is also crucial to bring them to a level of maturity and confidence in order to m inimize the risk of errors. Most Effective Solution At first glance the root cause of the problem is poverty and the lack of funds. But in truth these are social issues that NHC must not focus on. Surely it is important to increase the earning capacity of the members of the community but the main task of NHC is not to stimulate the economic recovery of the said region. At first glance it seems that members of the board must work harder when it comes to fund-raising endeavors. But weighing all the problems there is one action that can address a major portion of the issues. The leaders must put their heads together to attract and hire a competent human resources manager.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on NHC: The Importance of a Human Resource Manager specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The core problem was echoed by one employee who said, â€Å"There’s no HR here, so everything goes to management† ( Denend, 2005, p.66). Imagine the confusion and the burden carried by the officials of NHC when they try to put out fires without solving the root cause of the troubles that they face. They have to realize quickly that even if they raise funds, the money will be wasted on hiring the wrong people and the added cost of errors in the workplace, not to mention work-related violence, can close down the NHC. Members of the board must remember that there is a close connection between employee performance and customer satisfaction (Buttle, 2004). This is the domain of an HR manager. They are able to deal with an assortment of employment problems. The first order of business is to develop the correct strategies in order to hire the right personnel. It is therefore imperative to hire a competent HR manager because the HR department acts like a filter that will sift through the application data, in order to choose the right candidate for the task at hand. It is important to realize that recruit ment processes and strategies must be enhanced to adapt to the challenges faced by the community (Buttle, 2004, p.9). The HR manager must learn to use information to be able to predict to a certain degree that an applicant possess the right characteristics suited for the job. A competent HR manager possesses the right qualification to provide the necessary training for the employees. A competent HR manager also understands the ethical issues that are in existence. Therefore, the hiring process as well as the methodologies used for training the employees must be carefully studied so that there would be no complaints from the community. Nevertheless, it is not enough to hire the right people and train them; an effective motivation program must also exist.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More HR managers know the value of motivation and the need for employees to work at the highest levels. They are aware that motivation enables health workers to strive for a higher standard of service excellence (Moynihan Pandey, 2007, p.803). HR managers are trained to develop and maintain a system of monitoring in order to determine the performance of the members of the staff. They know how to detect a significant drop in performance levels and when that occurs a competent HR manager is also capable of raising-up the standards once again. HR managers must work closely with the management team at NHC to pinpoint proven methods of motivation so that it will meet changes in the community and at the same time inspire the workforce (Boella Goss-Turner, 2005, p.42). The members of the board and other managers are focused on the medical aspect of the health center and can easily neglect the needs of the workers. The need to motivate employees is imperative in every form of business but in t he case of NHC it is a matter of life and death. It is not just about profit but the survival of the community. Without a reliable workforce, the health center will be forced to shut down. Motivation is the key but it is not a byproduct of wishful thinking, it is the result of careful planning. It requires specific knowledge and experience on how to manage the human resources aspect of the NHC. Conclusion It is easy to understand why the members of the board focused on raising funds. Without a sustainable source of income the NHC can close down in a year or two. However, a focus on the monetary aspect of the problem will never solve most of the issues because at the core of the problem is the lack of management expertise, especially in the area of human resource management. Even if the said facility has access to money, the current crop of employees are unable to maximize it to help those in need. Tardiness, errors in the workplace and unsatisfactory service easily defeat the purpos e of the NHC. The goal is to help people and therefore aside from the need to purchase medicines and equipment it is imperative to have well-trained and well-motivated health workers doing their job. The most important step is to hire a competent HR manager in order to increase the efficiency of the NHC and reduce its overhead costs so that the funds can be stretched even further to provide service for those who are desperately in need of medical care. References Boella, M. Goss-Turner, S. (2005). Human Resource Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Buttle, F. (2004). Customer Relationship Management. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Denend, L. (2005). Neighborhood Health Clinic: Serving the Underserved in a Complex Environment. CA: Stanford Graduate School of Business. Moynihan, D. S. Pandey. (2007). Finding Workable Levers Over Work Motivation: Comparing Satisfaction, Job Involvement, and Organizational Commitment. Administration and Society, 39(7), 803-832. This case study on NHC: The Importance of a Human Resource Manager was written and submitted by user Rene K. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Critque of Horror Websites essays

Critque of Horror Websites essays In todays modern world film studios are using many different methods of promoting there up coming movies, theses Medias include: television, radio, newspapers, magazines and the internet. All theses medias allow the viewer to see an image and read or hear about the film. The film studios have gone one step further and made websites that allow the audience to interact with the characters of the film and know what the film is about by visual and audible representations. Websites are all about visual appeal, layout and content. By using these features we can design criteria to critically analyze the website. The criteria that was designed has three sections: Using these criteria we were able to critically analyze websites. Two were chosen to be analyzed Finding Nemo and Van Helsing were chosen to be analyzed. Filmic Qualities (Symbolism, Motifs, Specific Selection of Images Sounds) There is a little symbolism displayed on the first page of the finding nemo website but in terms of this film as it is a fun loving film no symbolism is really necessary. Apart form the blues that represent tranquility of the water, this convays the felling of happiness and fun and the shadows in the water (still animation), and the same dialogue that is repeated. (Just a few lines from the movie) There are also various animated images of the characters from finding swinning acreoo the screen at various times. There is also sounds of water and some dialogue form the main characters in the film. In Van Helsing there is a lot of symboilism displayed, most of this symboilsm is more indepth than the symbolism displayed on the finding nemo website, as Van helsing is a vampire movie there is a lot of symbolism in the coloures displayed, a lot of blacks,and dark greys are uesd this symbolises that evil and that disarster lerks nearby, the ues of the pictures of the human bats in the background of the picture subconciously tell us tht the mo...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Ashoka Bindusara Maurya The Great Indian Emperor History Essay

Ashoka Bindusara Maurya The Great Indian Emperor History Essay Ashoka Bindusara Maurya, the great Indian emperor was a ruler during the Maurya dynasty, born in 265 BC to parents Bindusara and Dharma Maurya (Iloveindia.com, 2010). Ashoka’s regime spread across most of India and modern Pakistan and Afghanistan which was due to a number of successful conquests that will be mentioned later. His name is often followed by the title â€Å"the great† mainly due to the fact that he was one of India’s greatest rulers. His regime saw most on India united as one state under a democratic government. His name Ashoka is Sanskrit for â€Å"without sorrow.† According to Iloveindia.com (2010), from a young age, Ashoka was quite a handful; he often got into trouble for beating up his fellow children and being cruel to animals but on the other hand was an extremely clever child who grasped all that he was taught, be it ancient Buddhist teachings or how to hunt for wild animals. By the time he was a teenager, he had his older brotherâ₠¬â„¢s complaining to their parents and this got him sent away to the outskirts of the empire to pose as a general. Here he did things as he pleased, terrorizing small communities and various would be vigilante groups. At this time, young Ashoka realized that he’s brothers were against him so when he was sent away by his father; he instead exiled himself to Kalinga where he’s greatest military conquest lay (Iloveindia.com, 2010). There he met a young maiden named Kaurwaki whom he got involved with but later abandoned. After two years in exile, Ashoka grudgingly returned to India where his father needed him to preside over a conflict in the Ujjain region. This conflict is what launched Ashoka’s devotion to Buddhism. While peace keeping, Ashoka was injured and fortunately secretly tended to by Buddhist priests who did not want the news of his injury to reach his vengeful brothers (Wold, 2010). During this period, he got to learn of ancient Buddhist teachings and va lues that helped cultivate his belief. In addition, he also met another young girl whom he married as his first wife. Years after, the conflict between the siblings climaxed when their father passed away in 268 BC leaving them battling for the emperorship. After two long years of gross violence, Ashoka finally emerged victorious to sit on the much coveted throne (Sahu, 2005). Legend has it that Ashoka killed most of his brother while most of the retreated to various parts of India. After eight years of devoted and vigilant governance, Ashoka decided to expand his empire by invading Kalinga and annexing it to India. According to Munshi (1968) this was after he had successfully imperialized the borders of Iran, Afghanistan, west Bangladesh and eastern Burma. In 286 BC, Ashoka led the Indian army into Kalinga. Regardless of Ashoka having sentimental ties to Kalinga, Kaurwaki in particular, he plunged into war head first sparing no one. The region of Kalinga though greatly betrayed and dismayed fought back bravely but ultimately lost the war (Sahu, 2005). The morning after, Ashoka visited the battle field to view the extent of his â€Å"victory† but he somewhat did not feel good about it. Seeing to houses burned to ashes and bodies lying everywhere, Ashoka was horror struck by the sight. At that moment in time, Ashoka had an epiphany where he began to be aware of and regret the horrors of his actions. Corpses lay scattered on the earth, orphaned children cried for their mother all over, widows grieved for their husbands, the Daya River ran red with blood and various temples and monuments were destroyed in the nasty brawl.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Hygiene Hypothesis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Hygiene Hypothesis - Essay Example fungi, bacteria, viruses and parasitic microbes) and allergens hinders the normal development of a natural immunity. Consequently, this condition makes an individual to be vulnerable to infectious diseases and allergies. The hypothesis has been put forward as an explanation to the occurrence of many preventable diseases and allergic infections. The following is an analysis seeking to establish accuracy of the hypothesis with the use of a context that features several case studies in the world and the relevant deductions. Accordingly, it is important to note that the immune system develops from repeated attempts to keep off disease from the low level of pathogens found in a normal environment; as such, when the germs invade the body in life threatening amounts, the immune system successfully wards them off. The need for this exposure in developed nations some decades back saw to larger families than today. This is because parents believed that the elder child would expose the younger one(s) to pathogens, hence harden their immunity (Ascherio &Munge, 2007). It has also been observed that children who are taken to baby care institutions are less susceptible to allergies and immune diseases. The research has indicated that, children who had earlier been exposed to measles or hepatitis A are also quite resistant to allergies. Autoimmune diseases are those that the body should be able to naturally protect itself from, as per the hygiene hypothesis. Such include acute lymphoblastic leukemia affecting young people in the developed world. This is a region where young children are less likely to be exposed, and thereby develop the needed immunity. Unconfirmed evidence also links the hypothesis indirectly to autism, suggesting that an immune disease causes it (Lang, et al. 2010). However, extensive research shows that the hypothesis is of more significance to allergies than to immune diseases (Christensen, 2010). Some of the common allergens, i.e. substances that cause al lergic attacks, include pollen, dust, hay, household chemicals, synthetic material, pet fur, some foods and some food preservatives. When these come into contact with the body of the allergic person, his/ her system activates the white blood cells in response to the foreign negative stimulus. (These cells normally help us to fight disease-causing microorganisms). Once released, the white blood cells cause an inflammatory reaction (Christensen, 2010). This reaction is exhibited in various ways e.g. itching, swelling, coughing, asthma, sneezing, running nose, tears etc. Asthma is a chronic condition in which the victim, when exposed to allergens, is unable breathe due to blockage of air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs. If no medical attention is availed, patient may collapse or even die. Drugs and inhalers are normally used to control the situation (Christensen, 2010). However, not all scientists concur with the hygiene hypothesis as there is an antithesis to this which is the exposure th eory. The exposure theory suggests that the higher the level of exposure to allergens, the more the possibility for allergies incidence. This theory is based on an observation that people living in urban areas have a higher percentage of allergies than their rural counterparts, and they are more prevalent in the developed than the developing world. Modern day people are more allergic as compared to people who lived some centuries back. While this appears at a glance to be true, large portions of the global population prove otherwise, hence the need for a more comprehensive and convincing explanation (Antony et al., 2006). On the other hand, some scholars support the hygiene hypothesis. A health researcher based in Germany, Dr. Erika Von Mutius investigated the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Austria's Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Austria's Politics - Essay Example The amendments have helped in increasing the political role of the president, as well as the process of election. Originally the president is elected by the members of the parliament. The amendments give the right of electing the president to the people instead. Austria is known to have a weak federal system. This is reflected upon the way that even though the constitution strictly states that each of Austria's nine provinces shall have jurisdiction over matters that is not under the federal government. These matters that should have been under provincial power involve the laws that are already decided by the federal government. These laws include education, financial and judicial legislation. The president as in many parliamentary system plays the ceremonial role. It is said that the president in Austria has the duty of constructing, guarding and dissolving governments. Since the president is elected by the people, it follows that the president is responsible and liable to the people. In such case, every action that the president does should promote the welfare of the people. In this view, the president is given the authority to assign members of the cabinet. In Austria, both the parliament and the government are under the pres... It happened in 1986 and 1971. The president is also granted with emergency powers. Emergency powers refer to the authority of the president during an emergency which gives him the right to act even without consulting the Nationalrat first. In such instances, the cabinet needs to give the president the right to conduct provisional laws. Nonetheless, such laws could either be void or implemented by the Nationalrat after four weeks. The chancellor which is in other parliament referred to as the prime minister is the real head of the government and the parliament. The chancellor is elected and can be dismissed by the president; nonetheless, the chancellor shall be the leader of the political party which holds the highest number of votes or seats in the so-called parliamentary election. The chancellor is the one who functions as the coordinator of the cabinet. However this does not give him the right to force or order other minister to act or conduct personal orders. The president has the power to appoint members of the cabinet and also to dismiss the cabinet as a whole. On the other hand, if the president would dismiss only one member of the cabinet, there must be a recommendation that comes from the Chancellor. The Nationalrat or National Council holds the power that is necessary to create National Legislations. Aside from the president, the NAtionalrat has the authority to remove the entire cabinet by means of a "vote of nonconfidence". Unlike the president, the Nationalrat can remove an individual member of the Cabinet using the "vote of nonconfidence". Treaties, laws, amendments and other forms of legislation can only be approved or implemented by the Nationalrat. Also elections could only be legitimate if one-third of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The opening sequence of the Simpsons Essay Example for Free

The opening sequence of the Simpsons Essay Analyse the opening sequence of the Simpsons. How does the opening sequence appeal to a variety of age groups? Is this a successful title sequence? Matt Groening changed television forever when he brought animation back to primetime with this immortal nuclear family. It was first screened on 14th January 1990 and it has become one of the worlds most famous cartoon as it always captured a regular audience of 24 million each week. It has also established itself as an award-winning international pop culture phenomenon. It is the longest-running sitcom of all time and it is also one of the most literate television programs on the air. It contains many references to subject matter and scholars from various academic fields. It also contains over a hundred instances of mathematic ranging from arithmetic to geometry to calculus. Most episodes of The Simpsons contain significant math that relates to material we normally cover in our classes. The programmer is also an ideal source of fun. The show is funny with bad language and offensive things! At the opening sequence the Simpsons appear out of clouds, and then it shows us Homer in the Nuclear Power Plant and after that throws the little piece of fuel out of the car on his way home. Secondly it shows us Bart writing on the skating board and when bill rings he jumps out of the school skating on air and then crosses the traffic. Thirdly it shows us the mother, Marge Simpson doing her shopping and it also shows us that Maggie got scanned. After that Lisa Simpson comes up in her music class playing her saxophone and also she got kicked out of the class. The sequence ends in a funny way as the whole family sets on sofa watching T.V. The town of Springfield is full of places that the Simpsons family go and which most of the scenes occur. The Nuclear Power Plant is where Homer Simpson works in as the safety inspector. The school where Bart Simpson does his detention and writes silly quotes on the board with the chalk, For example: No one wants to hear about my sciatica, I cant see dead people, I did not win the Nobel Fart Prize, I have neither been there nor done that, etc The music store is where Lisa goes and looks for some music equipment as she is fascinated by music equipments and musicians. She is also in the school music team and a saxophonist. T.V store in which Bart like to miss around as he is known as a naughty boy! The shopping centre which Marge Simpson goes with Maggie does her shopping for her family and buys food We learn that Homer works in a nuclear power station in which he makes radioactive metals. He drops it while he was on his way home which means that he is careless and stupid! He nearly got ran over by a car which means he is clumsy and got a slow reflex action. We also learn that he is a slacker who is completely unqualified for his job. We also learn that he is a pig when it comes to food!! Marge Simpson doesnt appear a lot in the opening sequence as she only appears twice. First time is when she was shopping with little Maggie and funnily Maggie got scanned. The second time she appeared was when the whole family gathered around the sofa to watch T.V. which means that she is a good mother and she is looking after her familys needs. Bart Simpson is simply a rule breaker, he always gets in trouble and he stays at school to do detention and he writes some silly words on the board, e.g. I will not encourage others to fly, I will not fake my way through life, I will not sell my kidney on eBay. He also appears when he was skating, and when he crossed the street and almost got hit by a car. He is a poor student who enjoys comic books and television and hates girls. Lisa Simpson only appeared once when she was playing her saxophone in the band and she didnt follow the note and so she got sent off. So she is kind of a role breaker as well but she is not as bad as her brother! She can be described as an excellent student who is completely the opposite of Bart except they both enjoy violent cartoons. The cartoon shows the family always gets in little arguments. It also shows that its impossible to be good all the time. E.g. when theyre eating at home they use no table manners and when they go to church they try to be like normal families. There are also times in the show when they change from comedy and give a meaningful message about family values, or friendship, etc.. There are also some funny situations where they cant take the correct action at the beginning of the problem but they manage to get through it by the end of the show. Here is a little description of each character of the Simpsons family: Homer Simpson is a man who can only be described in one word overachieving. For a man with no brain, athletic, logical, social, or any other kind of skills, he has done a lot, including having three successful kids, a loving wife, and a steady job as the safety inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. He is also an alcoholic!!! Marge Simpson is the glue that holds the Simpsons together. Without her continuous cleaning, scrubbing, mopping, the family would fall apart. Marge is always there to keep her husband in check, motivate Bart, cheer up Lisa, and just keep Maggie satisfied. She is very proud of her husband and she also has strong relations with her sisters. Bart Simpson is, first and foremost, a rebel. He is well-known across the city as a troublemaker and an underachiever, calling in prank calls, working in burlesque houses, etc However he got a sense of humour as he always cracking jokes and always up for an adventure. Lisa Simpson is straight student, a brilliant saxophonist, and an amateur philosopher. She is full of great thoughts and talents. She is always happy with herself. She is only 8; however she cant wait for collage. Maggie Simpson is a silent staple in the Simpsons family. She is always seen with the family, never speaking, but always secretly thinking. Bart Simpson writes on the blackboard. The writing changes every title sequence and it actually shows us what Bart does in his everyday life. E.g. I will not sell my kidney on e-bay, this quote tells us that Bart tried to sell his kidney on the Internet. The opening sequence also tells us that Bart is usually misunderstood. Wrongly pegged as an underachiever and troublemaker as he is always in detention. It also tells us that he is careless and doesnt care about his life or doesnt look out for dangerous things such as when he crossed the road and almost got hit by a car, this is also tells us that he is a bit stupid!! Homer Simpson was doing his little experiment on the Nuclear Power Plant with the radioactive piece of fuel and then it went in his hood and then he throws it out of the car. This tells us that he only cares about food because when teatime came he left his job in a hurry and that piece of fuel went in his hood and then he didnt recognise that it was a radioactive thing when he threw it out of the car window which tells us that he is very careless. We also saw Lisa in the music class playing her saxophone and she the teacher sent her out because she didnt follow the note and went on playing her own note, the funny bit was when she kept on playing with the saxophone after the teacher sent her off. It sounded like she was just trying to get the teachers off. Another funny situation when Marge Simpson was shopping and Maggie wondered off and got scanned by the machine and then she suddenly appeared at one of the bags on the trolley. And finally when the whole family sat on the sofa watching T.V which shows us how important T.V is in their life. Its also funny when they were rushing to sit on the sofa and then they crashed and fell on the floor I think the opening sequence suits every age-group. E.g. when Bart Simpson was in detention and he was writing his quotes on the blackboard I will not sell my kidney on eBay, they are laughing at me, not with me, garlic gum is not funny, I will not Xerox my butt, I will not do that thing with my tongue all these things appeal to the teen-agers in which it grabs the people in my age group to watch The Simpsons. Another example, little kids like 3-6 years old might like Maggie Simpson as she does some funny moves, like when she wandered of her mum, or when she feeds the dog. She also wandered the town of Springfield all by herself, and shes shot Springfields richest man because he attempted to steal her lollipop!!! She also tries to walk without falling which the younger kids might like to see. Here comes the most interesting part of all, the Simpson cartoon was also very successful in grabbing the eldest attention. The Simpsons makes the family sit on the sofa together watching the Simpson which rarely happens in our lives as older people usually watch shows and films which younger children dont see. and they dont watch cartoons either. However Matt Groening had the ability to make a cartoon which parents like to watch. Families and older people like to watch the Simpsons because it discusses problems in our lives sometimes and it shows us the argument between the family and how they solve it. It also shows us the father telling something to his son like giving him advice; he is also very funny and sometimes cracks jokes and acts funnily. Also Mr. Groening was successful to make something to show that the mothers always play the most important part in the family. Therefore he created the perfect character of all, the mother, Marge Simpson; she is like the glue that holds the Simpsons together. Without her constant cleaning, scrubbing, mopping, and gentle nagging the family would fall apart. Marge always keeps her husband in check, motivate Bart, cheer up Lisa or keep Maggi satisfied. She stands up against cartoon violence and she can also be trusted in taking ethical decisions.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Slaughterhouse Five Essay -- essays research papers

Slaughterhouse Five Billy Pilgrim is born in 1922 and grows up in Ilium, New York. A funny-looking, weak youth, he does well in high school, then he enrolls in night classes at the Ilium School of Optometry, and is soon drafted into the army. He serves as a chaplain's assistant, is sent into the Battle of the Bulge, and almost gets taken prisoner by the Germans. Just before being captured he first becomes unstuck in time. He sees the entirety of his life in one sweep. Billy is transported with other privates to the beautiful city of Dresden. There the prisoners are made to work for their keep. They are kept in a former slaughterhouse. Billy and his fellow POWs survive in an airtight meat locker. They emerge to find a moonscape of destruction. Several days’ later Russian forces capture the city and the war is over. Billy returns to Ilium and finishes optometry school. He gets engaged to the daughter of the founder of the school. His wealthy father-in-law sets him up in the optometry business. Bill y and his wife raise two children and become wealthy. One day in 1967, as he claims on a radio talk show and in a letter to the editor, Billy is kidnapped by two-foot high aliens whose body shape is reminiscent of an upside down toilet plunger. These are the Tralfamadorians. They take him to Tralfamadore where they mate him with the actress Montana Wildhack and keep both earthlings in a zoo. They also explain to him their perception of time, how all of it exists for them simultaneously in the fourth dimension. When someone dies he is simply dead at a particular time. Somewhere else and at a different time he is alive and well. Tralfamadorians prefer to look at the nice moments. When he is returned to earth, Billy initially says nothing. However, after he suffers a head injury in a plane crash and after his wife dies on her way to see him in the hospital, Billy tells the world what he has learned. He goes on a radio talk show and writes a letter to the newspaper. His daughter is at her wit's end and doesn't know what to do with him. Billy makes a tape recording of his account of his death, which will occur in 1976 after Chicago has been hydrogen bombed by the Chinese. He knows exactly how it will happen: a man he knew in the war will hire someone to shoot him. Billy will experience the violet hum of death, then will skip back to some other point in his life. He's see... ...ughterhouse-Five, it seems that both the narrator and Billy Pilgrim are represented as author. The point of view in this book is the author is looking at the events of his own life; past, present, and future and trying to make some sense out of them the same way that Billy is trying to order the events of his own life. The author uses short, simple sentences that manage to say a lot in a few words. The author also uses imagery. He also puts in his book references to historical events. These references increase the understanding and appreciation of Billy's story by suggesting historical and literary parallels to the personal events in his life. The novel does not have smooth transitions from one event to the next. A normal novel has smooth transition. Vonnegut wrote this book without any smooth transition. This novel is very complicated. The topics that are mention are hard to understand. The book was a bit difficult to follow. Slaughter House-Five's character's needs more depth. More description is necessary. There was too much jumping around in time in Billy’s life. I thought that this book was going to be better than it actually was. I wouldn’t recommend this book to a person wh

Monday, November 11, 2019

Palate-Able Delights: New Modes of Trade Finance

Consideration was to be given to the applicability of non-traditional online and offline moment and trade finance methods (such as those offered by Papal and UPS), open account terms and more stringent, traditional finance methods such as documentary letters of credit. After careful analysis of the circumstances in the case, it is recommended that PAD adopt a flexible payment system adopting a combination of methods. This is dues (due) to the variability In customers It plans to serve, ranging from small, retail orders to orders up to $150,000.Specifically, for orders up (to) or less than $2,000 PAD should employ a flexible, online method such as that offered by Papal, or the services offered by UPS, which include insurance, collections and financing solutions. For larger orders, a documentary collection method of payment provides PAD with the flexibility it needs in order to sell the goods to an alternate customer should a dispute arise before the products perish, while providing th e customer with much less complexity and expense relative to a documentary letter of credit. 1.Introduction and Case Summary The purpose of this report, commissioned by Mr. Jim Dick, Is to analyses the case ‘New Modes of Trade Finance' and answer all discussion questions attached. The case in question describes the situation of Palate-Able Delights (PAD), a niche retailer of high-end food products such as caviar, truffles and French champagnes, who (which) is In the process of assessing several markets for export of their numerous, highly perishable products. PAD Is attempting to determine Its best suited (best- suited) methods of payment, and is intrigued by non-traditional, online payment options such as Papal.However, impacting on the decision process are a number of important considerations. These are: * While largely focused on small, retail sales, PAD Is also considering larger orders of up to $150,000 In value. * PAD Is aware of the trend towards open account terms, and Is Interested In the benefits of conducting transactions on such terms. * Explicitly stated by PAD's SCOFF is that the trade finance solutions offered by UPS be assessed. * Given the perishable nature of PAD's products, speed of settlement must be Incorporated into the evaluation, as do the various cash flow and financing issues affecting both PAD and Its customers.The following sections address the discussion questions. 2 snouts PAD Adsorb some Incremental I costs In Exchange Tort AAA secure Opt to Stay with Traditional Trade Payment and Financing Systems? TTY, Ana Firstly, the nature of PAD's product, being highly perishable, means that both PAD and its customers face a unique risk which calls for a substantial level of importance placed on transit insurance, such as that offered by UPS Capital or Export Development Canada, to mitigate the risk of loss from product spoilage as a result of detrimental shipping issues (such as delays, mishandling, etc. . Given PAD's high margins an d position in a luxury, niche market, the cost of insurance is one that should be absorbed in exchange for the requisite security. In terms of trade payment, the risk of non-payment is significant, given a potential order size of up to $150,000. Important here, however, are the substantially varied sizes of customer PAD plans to serve – I. E. From the relatively small (single consumer, perhaps) to the very large (up to $150,000).This suggests that differing payment systems and, hence, levels of security and costs are warranted. Furthermore, along with the level of broad-based risk (I. E. Country, commercial and foreign exchange – where these are significant, high security methods such as L/CSS or confirmed L/CSS may be necessary, he costs of which should undoubtedly be absorbed), the type of payment system is dependent on the level of demand for PAD's product in a given market, and its objectives for that market.Although PAD is interested in trading on open account ter ms – by far the riskiest for exporters (FIT, 2008), presumably for the potential of greater sales, the risks are somewhat difficult to Justify. Specifically, PAD's a niche business offering high-end, gourmet products – not a commodity-type product attempting to enter a saturated market. As such, while open terms, given their reverence, may be necessary in markets where competition is high and entry to them is deemed strategically significant, PAD likely commands some level of market pull (demand) in most markets.This suggests that PAD's assumption of the substantial risks associated with open account terms is somewhat unnecessary and, given its high margins and assumed ability to absorb some additional costs, it should opt for a greater level of security. This is especially so for small, perhaps one-time customers, with order values of say, under $2,000. Here, non-traditional payment systems such as Papal or credit card facilities are more appropriate than the employ a nd time-consuming traditional payment types. Furthermore, these methods would typically involve payment-in-advance, providing PAD with a high level of security.Alternatively, the services provided by non-bank providers such as UPS Capital, and their Receivables Management Services, which provides credit insurance and collection services amongst others (UPS, 2010), may be appropriate for established, credible accounts who require a more flexible payment method. For large orders, however, the scale of risk increases – especially for those up to $150,000. Here, the security provided by traditional payment types – most appropriately a documents against payment method – and the subsequent absorption of their costs would be recommended.In all, PAD should absorb some incremental costs in exchange for added security. However, traditional trade payment and financing systems may not always provide the best way to garner this security, as ten practically AT sun mentors var ies according to ten size AT P orders, the market it's selling in, and the relationship with the customer. In response to the latter component of the question, a confirmed documentary letter of credit after review of PAD's needs is not the best option. Confirmed Documentary Letters ofCredit are expensive and time consuming and thus not effective when dealing with the purchasing and shipment of perishable foods. The use of Documentary Collections is more tailored to the needs of PAD as the documents arrive with the product. This means that if there is a disagreement or PAD's customer does not provide payment the documents are already with the product and quick resale is possible cutting down the spoilage of goods and ultimately profit. 3. How well suited is Papal, or some variation of online payment solutions to the PAD business model?PAD can offer an all-in-one online service which can be easy, fast and reliable to customers to improve its business. Papal is one such option PAD can use to improve its business online. Papal is customer friendly, with ease of access providing customers with various account types with multiple log-INS and, also, most importantly it's secure. It accepts almost all the major credit cards as well as debit cards which allow customers to make payments for small orders online relatively easily.Papal is the cheapest option available in terms of a Business Merchant account – for customers outside of the states there is no membership fee (residents of U. S pay $1. 90 or 2. 9% of the order depending on the company's purchase).. With regards to PAD ‘s customers, Papal can be time-consuming as it requires the customers to verify funds deposited by Papal into their account. Even though Papal is secure, it involves risks of fraud which, while generally not affecting the customer (as they are covered by Papal and can be reimbursed up to $2,000), may affect PAD via the losses associated with fraud.Merchant/ Business accounts are pro vided by banks which allow the acceptance of credit cards, debit cards or any other form of online payments. The payment is received and updated immediately through automated systems once the order is placed, confirmed and completed. This allows PAD to have direct access and control over the payment processing system and also by using a trade platform to manage open accounts in a manner that provides better payment visibility to suppliers. Also, the use of debit cards can be encouraged as they're easy for customers to use, and possibly less expensive than credit cards.Through this, PAD will gain more direct control over the payment processing system. Although, this additional control means that they will have to deal with credit card fraud directly as well as maintain the functionality of the website as a whole which ay not be possible depending on the understanding and experience employees have dealing with online payment methods. From the customers point of view there are less ste ps needed when making purchases online as well as there is no need to set up a customer account (unless for business specific reasons stated by PAD). 4.What are the Pros and Cons Related to Traditional Bank-provided Trade Finance, and Open Account Solutions? Do Non-Bank Providers Offer a Credible Solution? I en pros Ana cons related to traditional Dank-Provo account solutions are provided in Table 1, below. I Pros I Cons I Open Account I e trace Atlanta Ana open Open Account I * Potential to boost sales. * Least cost (explicit) intensive. * Least complex and time-consuming. I * Involves the highest risk of non-payment. * Increases cost of credit/receivables insurance. * High risk of disputes, leading to non-payment.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

American Diabetes Research Paper Essay

For this research paper, I chose the American Diabetes Association. There are three types of diabetes. Two of them are major. Type one is known as Juvenile Diabetes. It is where your pancreas is unable to produce insulin for your body. Juvenile Diabetes affects mainly young people such as children and young adults. People with type one must take insulin daily. (Type 1)The second type is known as Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder ensuing from the body’s failure to produce or appropriately use insulin. It affects mostly adults. People may get Diabetes Mellitus by heredity or lifestyle choices. (Type 2) Gestational is the third type. Women who are pregnant tend to sometimes have this because when women are pregnant, hormonal changes cause your cells to be less responsive to insulin. It is also taken as a sign for women they may have Diabetes Mellitus later on. (Gestational Diabetes) People were first diagnosed with diabetes in the late fifteenth century B.C. in Egypt. The first symptoms were found in 1552 B.C. Many thought diabetes was mostly a urination issue. It wasn’t until 1959, when the two major types were distinguished. (How Long Has Diabetes Been Around) The association itself was formed on August 28, 1940 by twenty six physicians. You can find many programs in all fifty states including the District of Columbia. (Nyondo) I chose to research this association for a few reasons. Diabetes is a huge epidemic that is affecting almost everyone in the world. Everyone I know either knows someone who has it, someone live with it, or they themselves have it. My father and grandmother both have type two. Seeing how it is affecting their lives, it also affects people they live with. It has shown me what diabetes can do to the way you live, eat and act and more. I am also aware of it because of them. They both told me and my siblings to be careful with what we eat. I would like to learn more about this association because  I want to learn how I can take part in helping my family and others with diabetes. I want to make a difference to them and everyone else fighting it. The research foundation was established in 1994 to raise huge contributions to fund diabetes science. Their commitment is to raise funds to improve people’s lives that have the disease. â€Å"100% of all research goes directly to support diabetes research.† (What The Research Foundation Does) There are three main programs to which you can donate. 1. Core Research Program- Investigator projects covering the full spectrum of subject matter in the field of diabetes. 2. Targeted- Donor-driven area of interest as deemed appropriate by the research. 3. General Research Program- Any areas of research currently approved by the association that have the greatest promise. (What The Research Foundation Does) They receive donations by holding up sales such as purchasing flowers for others, special dinners, Step Out, United Way, and direct mail. The cost of diabetes in 2007 follows: $174 billion in 2007 $116 billion- direct medical cost $58 billion- indirect $18 billion- undiagnosed $25 billion- diagnosed $623 million- gestational (Diabetes Statistics) The demographics they serve are everyone in the United States of America. The demographics of people with diabetes are listed as of the 2007-2009 survey: 7.1%- non-Hispanic whites 8.4%- Asian Americans 12.6%- non-Hispanic blacks 11.8%- Hispanic Among Hispanics: 7.6%- Cubans 13.3%- Mexican Americans 13.8%- Puerto Ricans. The years of age: 215,000/2.5%- under twenty years 23.6 million/11.3%- twenty years and older 13. Million/11.8%- men 12.6 million/10.8%- women The total prevalence of Diabetes in the United States: 25.8 million/8.3% – is of the population including children and adults. 18.8% million- diagnosed 7. Million- undiagnosed 79 million- prediabetes 1.9 million- new cases in people ages twenty and older in 2010. (Diabetes Statistics) You can contact the American Diabetes Association by emailing or calling them. By either one, you can request an information packet or have an interview. Their email address is AskADA@diabetes.org, and their calling center is 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2382). Their hours of operation are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, at 8:30 a.m. till 6:30 p.m. EST. Thursday and Friday at 8:30 p.m. till 8:00 p.m. (Contact Us) Diabetes is a huge problem for people of all ages everywhere. It has existed from early on and may soon affect everyone. I believe that more and more people are becoming diagnosed with Diabetes in America because of our nutrition and serving sizes. Americans today are indulging more in unhealthy food. With that, they rely on that food as everyday meals and soon, the serving sizes become greater in size. In addition, most Americans forget about the importance of physical activity. I believe that if more Americans are aware of Diabetes and what the effects are, they will begin to change their ways for the better. The American Diabetes Association is a great foundation because all of the donations go towards the research to support Diabetes. I am glad that I did this association for all reasons. They tell you everything about the association and how they are handling things. This shows that they do care about what people want to know, and they are not afraid of what they do. From what I have learned, the American Diabetes Association is one of the greatest foundations existing today, and will be for more years to come. BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"Contact Us.† diabetes.org. February 14, 2011. http://www.diabetes.org/help/contact-us.html â€Å"Diabetes Statistics.† diabetes.org. January 26, 2011. Web. February 10, 2011. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/diabetes-statistics/?utm_source=WWW&utm_medium=DropDownDB&utm_content=Statistics&utm_campaign=CON â€Å"Gestational Diabetes.† Diabetes.org. web. February 14, 2011. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/gestational/ â€Å"How Long Has Diabetes Been Around† diabetes.ygoy.com. January 11, 2010. Web. February 10, 2011. http://www.diabetes.ygoy.com/2010/11/how-long-has-diabetes-been-around/ Nyondo, Jane. Email. Email interview. February 23, 2011. â€Å"Type 1.† Diabetes.org. web. February 14, 2011. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/type-1/ â€Å"Type 2† Diabetes. Org. web. February 14, 2011. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/type-2/ â€Å"What The Research Foundation Does.† Diabetes.org. February 14, 2011. http://www.diabetes.org/news-research/research/ada-research-foundation/what-the-research-foundation.html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Dos and Donts of Job Hunting While Youre At Work

The Dos and Donts of Job Hunting While Youre At Work One problem with job hunting when you work in an open office is the lack of privacy, which can be reminiscent of a college dorm. Since you can’t put up your own partitions, learning how to use stealth moves while job searching can help you. There are ways to practice your stealth without putting on a fake nose and eyeglasses while pretending to be a visitor to the office, and these tips can help you out. Handling Phone Calls at the OfficeSince you can’t hold a conversation with a recruiter using only words such as uh-huh or no, talking to a recruiter while at the office is not a good idea. It is a better idea to set your phone on voicemail, and give the recruiter a callback when you are somewhere else, whether it’s another part of the building or at a local cafe during lunch hour. The main point is to keep others in your office from knowing you are job searching, or the next person who finds out about it might be your boss.Using Company Phones or Other EquipmentI f you are using a company phone to receive or make phone calls about job listings, you might as well go ahead and put up a banner that says you are job hunting. Other employees might overhear those phone calls and deduce that you are job hunting. In addition, many employers monitor computer use in the event employees are playing on the Internet instead of working, and finding that an employee has been checking the job classifieds could be problematic. Don’t use company phones or emails to contact others about job openings. Instead, only use your personal phone number and email to job hunt.Keeping It PrivateWhile you may have friends among your coworkers, the fastest way for the news to get around that you are job hunting is to share that information in the office. If you feel you have a friend in the office whom you can absolutely trust, you should still think twice before taking that person into your confidence.Social Media MistakesEmployers frequently check social media emp loyee accounts, LinkedIn and other sites to see what employees are doing. If you have updated your profile or resume, it might end up reported back to your boss. Turning off features that broadcast updates and making your information private can help. Actively broadcasting that you are job hunting on social media websites is a bad idea and would be better left to private messaging only to individuals you trust.Advertising on Job BoardsAdvertising on job boards lets you job hunt while keeping your personal information private. While this may not be the best way to job hunt, since an employer has to actively search for someone with your qualifications, it is one way to keep the news that you are job hunting from the eyes of your current employer.Updating Your ResumeIf you need to update your resume and don’t want to post it to LinkedIn or other sites where this might be discovered, then do it in private on your home computer, of course. Apply directly to job sites or companies and include your new resume from home. The personal approach can take more time for you to find the right job but can receive more attention from employers who are really interested in your talents.Don’t Go to Interviews From the OfficeOne mistake job hunters make is that they make interview appointments from the office or take personal leave during the day. It can look suspicious when you normally dress in comfortable clothing for the office and one day show up wearing a suit for a lunch with a friend. Change of style in clothing can be a big clue that something is up. In addition, taking time off using the pretext of a doctor’s appointment is doing a disservice to your current employee. Schedule interview appointments for weekends or evenings when you are off and it will cause you less stress and help protect the fact that you are job hunting.Job hunting while employed in an open office atmosphere takes finesse and caution so the entire office doesn’t find out . TheJobNetwork offers an easier way to job hunt and not miss jobs for which you are qualified. After you fill out your qualifications and job interests, we search around the clock for positions that would interest you and send these job listings as email alerts. If you wish to be more proactive in your search, you can also look for employment yourself on the job site. Sign up with TheJobNetwork to let us do the job hunt for you.

Monday, November 4, 2019

About digital marketing but the title is not set yet Thesis

About digital marketing but the title is not set yet - Thesis Example It has come with its advantages for businesses that can adapt early. Firms which could not cope with the changing rules of the digital world would necessarily tend to lose their competitiveness. Digital Marketing is a constantly developing area with a need for Digital Marketing Strategies. Established organizations have their conventional marketing plans and strategies which comprise the status quo, but the attention of a large segment of target audiences have gravitated towards digital mediums such as the web, mobile and digitally social world which connects both. In a high speed changing area, developing strategies is not easy. Day by day new advertisement and sales channels emerge and ongoing marketing strategies may not adapt to the new technologies, mediums and behaviors. The strategies to be set must be flexible to enable any new developments, and the new mediums and technologies must be adapted to the current strategies. As a result of the inflexible marketing strategies which refuse to accommodate the changing mediums and technologies, new companies emerge daily that can better compete with the established traditional firms. The dissertation will address the problem of the integration of digital marketing strategies in the overall marketing strategy of business organizations and the difficulties attendant thereto. The need for integrating digital technology into marketing processes is in response to new customer demand patterns that are influenced by the new media. (2) Describe the hard elements (structure, strategy and systems) which retail businesses with digital marketing needed to adopt in developing their respective digital marketing capability. Describe the processes required to adapt the business to its new capability. (3) Describe the soft elements (staff, style and skills) which retail businesses with digital marketing needed to adopt in developing their

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Two Events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Two Events - Essay Example It acted as a wakeup call for USA to defend its citizens. The following paper looks at the above two events and how they have contributed to the current state of America. Attack on Pearl Harbor On 7th December 1941, the United States of America was intentionally and abruptly ambushed by the air and naval forces of the Japan Empire. The location of the bombing and sinking of American ships was the Pearl Harbor Naval and Army base in Oahu, Hawaii. The US eventually entered World War II due to this homeland assault (Takaki, 2008). I believe that the effects of Pearl Harbor were mostly positive for Americans. Even though the attack terrified the nation, it also united a nation that had been divided due to the war in Europe. After the attack, there were various drives launched such as scrapped iron drive, united paper drives and recycled items. These were used to make items vital for the war such as machine guns, flame throwers, binoculars, and hand grenades. Even the youngest were helpfu l as school children had coin drives in which they gathered coins to purchase war bonds to support the government (Dower, 2011). The second positive effect is that it assisted in ending the Great Depression which had started in 1929. It brought a great need for an industry that provides materials for war-times like ammunition, guns and uniforms for the troops. At the end of the war, citizens purchased all they could not during the war period. There was also a decrease in the rate of unemployment as ten million men and women joined the army while those left at home took jobs in factories. Another positive outcome was that as a resolution not to permit a repeat of World War II, the United Nations was born. The Senate that had declined to sanction the membership of America in the League of Nations following World War I, eventually irresistibly sanctioned US membership in the UN after World War II (Stone, & Kuznick, 2012). There however were some negative elements of the attack in that over 2000 citizens died and 21 ships were sank or damaged seriously. Japanese-American citizens were placed in relocation camps as a measure to ensure that there was no risk of a Japanese descendant acting as a spy for Japan (Takaki, 2008). They were forcefully evicted from their homes within 48 hours and lived in poor conditions. However, in 1988, congress gave a formal apology to the affected and gave the survivors compensations of $20,000 each (Stone, & Kuznick, 2012). After this gesture, America has now turned to be one of the most democratic nations in the world. Its citizens and government became more appreciative to human rights of foreigners and citizens. Conclusion It is clear that if we forget the past then we are bound to repeat its mistakes. The two attacks, even though devastating, shaped USA in their own capacities. They served to bring the nation together in times of crisis. We would not be the strong united superpower we are today without such occurrences. As a count ry, we should take precautionary measures in future and also arrest perpetrators of such attacks while still maintaining socially correct honor to the opinions and rights of mankind. It is right for us as a country to defend ourselves against future attacks but we should do so without destroying our civil rights and values as we do. References Didion, J. (2003). Fixed Ideas: America Since 9.11. New York: New York Review Books. Dower, J. W. (2011). Cultures of War: Pearl Harbor / Hiroshima / 9-11 /